The question

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Draco sat coldly on the stone ledge outside the court yard he had a cigarette hanging out the side of his mouth. He sat alone the wind taking his hair up and down as his emotions went through a roller coaster of its own. Dracos breathing was soft and his pale hand deep in his pocket of the black skinny jeans he was wearing. He didn't look that smart anymore and had got worse in lessons, more detentions and bullying the first years. It all started when he had found out about his father was with another woman and was leaving with another child, his had brother, who he had no idea about. Draco had always wanted a sibling now he had one but didn't see him.

Hermionie waked down the cobble steps towards her blonde boyfriend sitting on his own. She looked at his the way he sat said something about the way he was feeling. Hos head rolled back looking up at the wall he was resting on. He looked so cute when he was thinking, to hermionoe that is. She noticed the lit 🔥( I had to I'm sorry🔥) cigarette hanging carelessly out of his pink, soft lips. She hated it when he smoked bit he didn't do it to often, only when something was wrong, usally when he's stressed.

"Dra, what's up?" Hermionie asked sitting down next to him and holding his skinny hand, she flinched at the coldness of his white skin.
"Why would you think somethings up?" He says pulling the light drug out of his mouth and resting his hand on his leg. He smoothed his thumb over her pulsing hand.
"You usally smoke when somethings up with ya" She says shuffling close to him to keep the warmth.
"It's just weasley?" He stands up throwing the fag to one side on to the snow that lay underneath there feet, "He asked you to the dance, I mean come on!"
"You know I would never go to the stupid dance with him anywhere with him in fact" Hermionie sort of argues back at him.
"Where is he now?" Draco asks looking over his shoulder slightly but not looking at his girlfriend.
"He's still in the ward, you went at him pretty strongly." Draco smiles at this. Hermionie stand and walks up behind Draco rapping her Litton arms around his waist her finger tips just about not meeting. Draco holds on to her hands and leans his head against hers which is against hos shoulder.

"What about remus?" Hermionie asks Dracos grin fades at her question...

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