werewolf crys

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"Draco, what is that?" Chasper says shakily. She had her arms rapt around Andys.
"Remus Lupin." Draco says stepping forward to the edge of the ditch the sleeping body was lying in Hermionies fingers rapt around his pale hand.
"Wait professor lupins, a were wolf?" Andy says following dracos path, towering over the soundless teacher.
"How do you know it's him dra?" Hermionie says in his ear her chin resting on his shoulder, that had his black and green sweater hanging half on half off.
"My father told Snape, and I found out." He reply feeling proud of his discovery. " I over heard them talking in my father's study, they said that he was lost in the woods, that's when I decided to go out to find him. I was bored."
"I couldn't think of any else to do if your bored." She says walking slowly making her way in to the ditch. A giant smile came across her face and draco hopped in to the ditch as well holding a branch and leaning his weight off of it.
"Guys be careful." Chasper says worriedly holding onto Andys hand as if it was for dear life.

The mystical body started to flinch and woke up all of a sudden yellow eyes where suddenly beady and wide he could sense the presence of the children. He slowly stood up reviling his size in tallness, he was about nine feet much taller than the terrified Hermionie and draco. He looked around and then down at the frozen two, there best friends had fled already. The human beast walked towards them sniffing there cent.
"Run on three." Draco said, Hermionie only just heard him as he whispered as quietly as possible as to not startle the werewolf. "One, two, THREE!" He shouts wiping out his wand.
"Elanto." ( yeh i just madeup a spell) He says as a wisp of light bolts out of this black wand. The werewolf shot back and a white hole formed in his chest as his form changed to be the professor they used to know. The two where hidden round one of the huge trees of the forest.

The two of them stood there staring in amazement at there third year professor.
"What's he doing here dra, he left in third year." Hermionie says to draco not looking at him, her eyes attached to the non moving man.
"I don't know Mionie." He says more relaxed than Hermionie, he starts to creep back down the ditch to see what had happened. The warewolf had transformed by draco spell. Terrified Hermionie followed down the steady slope after him, they both looked down on the man who had a grey suit on with a dark beige robe covering the ground behind him, the robe matched perfectly with his shoes and shirt that lay underneath his grey and black striped tie.
" I didn't think werewolves kept there clothes when they changed back." Hermionie says.
"If you though that why did you come down here." Draco asks turning to Hermionie.
"Errrm I don't know." She says rethinking. "0so what do we do now?"
"Well since our so called friends left us I guess we wait." He says putting g his hands in his trouser pockets and slouching slightly to the left. He slowly walked over towards the edge of the ditch, Hermionie took one more look at the professor and followed her boyfriend ways out of the ditch. They both sat down on the edge f the hole hand in hand with Hermionies head on dracos and dracos on Hermionies head.

They sat there in front of the body for a few hours, with only a bit of small talk now and then between them. Chasper and Andy had not returned. They didn't want to leave even though it got very cold, the two covered them selves in both there robes to keep a bit more warm in the cold spring breeze. A few times they had heard noises from bushes and trees but it was only a bunny of a fox. Hermionoe had pit a training spell on one of the golden orange, it was now sound asleep spread out on her and dracos laps.

A twich came across the professor and then another, he started to move hos hands. His eyes shot open in a second he sat up and looked forwards.

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