hand in hand

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Draco and hermione walked down the large, grand stair cases carefully dodging each movement of the steps. Hermionie had her head down she was thinking through what had just happened between her and Ron, what had happened? Draco had a small grin on his gave and shook Hermionies hand, she looks at his face at his smile and mirrors it. "Beautiful. He whispers to her, gently placing a couple kisses  on her shoulder. "Thanks dra." She says back to him.
"Anyway what was that all about back there what happened. "He says in a conserned tone.
"Oh, you know, Ron he doesn't get on with you and all and I'm just sick of it." She calmed her vioce as she was getting a bit a aggravated "I mean he's serposed to be my friend." Draco could see she was getting up set. "Let's go to the owl tower." This bright end her mood, they often went to the owl tower it  was away from everyone else and they liked to pet the owls.

"Ron sit down, you can't make it better now." Harry groaned at Ron, " you've said it now and it's done Ron okay, it's done." This was very hard for harry to say as both Ron and Hermione where hos best friends.
" Oh Come on harry you know she didn't mean it." Ron says as if it was obvious.
"Ron she walked away after she said it, she doesn't usually walk away Ron. You've lost her now she's with draco and soon enough where gonna be shadow mates, and it's all be a use you can't keep your temper under control." Harry sat down, he knew what he said was true.
"What do you mean I've lost her?"  He looked at harry worriedly and scared.
"I know Ron, it's the way you look at her when she's studying the way you talked to her. You love her Ron and you ruined your chances." The  mood was sadder now, Harry was starting to feel sorry for Ron.
"Your right I do like her and I have lost her but maybe you could talk to her for me" He sounded quite excited and hopeful, getting close to Harry's face, he could feels Ron hot breath in his face.
"Sure, but in the morning, it's getting late and we'd better get to bed." Harry pushed Ron  back a little bit so that her wouldn't smell his chocolate breathe.

Hermionie was sleeping in the spare bed of the girls slytherin room, the room was dark and green snakes and people in green robes covering the walls, the curtains where a soft fabric with a checked pattern in black, white and mossy green colours it was the same with the quilt and pillows. She was comfortable sleeping there as she was friends with most of them, hence being dracos girlfriend and everything. Where as draco himself didn't sleep very well that night, it was storming but the main thing was that he was disturbed by the argument that ad happen between Ron and Hermionie, he didn't like it. He was going to have to get Ron back for his own good and Hermionies to je just didn't know what to do he just didn't want to do it with hurting Hermionie as well as Ron. He pulled out a little black box from his bed side table draw, the lid was lifted as draco waved his wand. In the box was a green and red necklace with a silver chain. He was going to give it to Hermionie when he asked her to the ball.

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