Here for you

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Hermionie was walking through the hall side to side of her best friend Chasper, she had blonde wavy hair and blue eyes like the sky on a clear day. There wasn't much chatter between them as Hermionie had her head in another world.
"What's on your mind Mionie?" Chasper asked full of energy she had a bit to much coffee at breakfast that morning. Breakfast had been quite arkwad for Hermionie, she had to sit at the Griffindor table, she sat next to Dean so it wasn't to bad.
"Hmm, oh nothing much just can't stop thinking about yesterday's argument and everything." She says replying, being wipped out of her day dream.
" I over heard Ron saying I was an ugly slut and that he doesn't want to be my friend anyways at  breakfast today, it's just go me down you know."
"I would do anyone Hermionie, and he doesn't know what he's missing." This made Hermionie laugh as that sat down on the cold court yard grass. " And just remember I'm here for you, your my best friend and I don't see you sad." Chasper says her hands on Hermionies robe covered shoulders.
"You know what chasp." She says tying her fizzy locks in to a high ponytail.
"What." Chasper says bit g a rosy red strawberry her and hermione had stolen earlier with draco and Andy. Andy was her boyfriend.
"This conversation got really deep really fast." Hermionie couldn't help laughing.
"HEY!" Chasper says joining g her bestie slaughter and pushing her over, soon enough they where both lying on the grass both covered in strawberry juice, making fun of the new teacher, and some of the old ones as well.

"Heeley." The to girls look up to see Andy and draco standing in front of them with the e rucksacks over one shoulder.
"What you to girls up to?" Andy says sitting down. Draco sits down next to the now sitti g up hermionoe with his one leg bent and the other layed out in front of him, where as Andy sits cross legged.  Andy and draco are very different boys, Andy is fun and joyful  ostrich of the time, draco is ,ore of the misterious type with nearly every girl crushing on him since year one.
"Nothing much." Hermionie says a smile on her face and moving her shoulders a bit.
"Where did you two get those strawberry from"? Dracos says nicking one from Hermionies open palm and pacing to into his mouth and biting off the leafs.
"Oh, we stole them when we ditched gardening." Chasper says gardening like a bad thing as both her and hermione hate that lesson. Draco lays back and closes his eyes as the beaming sun was shining in his grey, gloomy eyes.
Hermionie starts placing juicy strawberry on hos toned stomach, her and Chasper couldn't help blurting out in laughter. Soon the was a giant pile of strawberry pulled on his stomach. Mafia and Andy where both laughing now as well. Malfoy just up and the strawberry go flying. "Hey!"  both  girls say at the same time then look at each other and laugh again, they hadn't really stopped laughing.
"Don't worry about then just come with me I  we'd to show you some thin.  He says grabbing his girlfriends hand.
"Where are we going." Hermionie manages to say with her mouth full of strawberry. 
"It's a surprise." He says gesturing for the other two to get up. "It'll be fun, and we'll miss defense against the dark arts with lupin." He says persuasively.
"Oh good I hate that guy." Chasper says
"Me to." Hermionie says in agreement with her best friend.

Draco hand in hand with Hermionie, Andy and Chasper trailing behind them. They all treck into the dark and foggy forbidden forest.
"Draco, where not aloud in here." Andy says looking up at the trees, even though he couldn't see the top of there leafy tops.
" It could be a bit dangerous, you know wolf's and stuff." Andy was a bit shaky saying this.
"Oh, come on don't be a baby." He says laughing, and pulling Hermionie further into the forbidden  woods her laughing to.

As they walk through the the woods draco still laughing.
"Oh Come on drac where are we going I'm getting tired." Hermionie says her tone is getting bored.
"Where nearly there, come on Mionie" Draco says turning to face her putting his hands in her shoulders." Not that long to go."
Andy and Chasper catch up with them, they where quite scared now. Chasper whispered to Andy that she was scared, he grabbed her hand and smiled at he weakly.
"Draco come on where are we." Andy moans
"Where here, look!" He says a huge grin spread across his fave the others in shock.
"Oh my god." Hermionie manages to say out of her shock. "DRACO."

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