Chapter Four || A Brothers Love

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CHAPTER 4: A Brothers Love

WRITTEN BY: lostboys_lostgirls

Aryan Young

It was the end of the second day of school. Jasper met me outside of last period and we began our trek home. Oscar's mom picked him up from school and Aurora took the bus.

"So how was your second day of school?" Jasper asked.

"Great, I already have plans this Friday." I smiled.

"With who? Oscar?" I shook my head, "Aurora?" I shook my head again. "Oh, that knew guy you've been talking to, what was his name?" He asked him self snapping his figures in thought, with a final snap he looked at me, "Wyatt?"

I nodded, "Yep, we are going to go see Suicide Squad."

"What? I thought you were going to wait for me to go see that?"

"You have football practice and games starting next week. Lets face it, you're too busy for me." I said like a sad girlfriend. He laughed and I continued, "But I promise we will see it when it comes out on dvd."

"It's not the same." He said in mock sadness.

I rolled my eyes at him and he added, "And about my games, you guys are going to be there right?"

"Of course, how could we miss our friends first football game of the year?" I smiled bumping into him.

After a few seconds of silence I decided to ask him how his day was. He responded with, "Good, but not as eventful as yours. Coach got mad and made the whole team run two miles on the track before we got back to practice."

"What did you do?" I asked.

"Hey, it wasn't me. Some senior mouthed off to coach and he was already in a pissy mood so he took it out of everyone."

"Dang, that sucks."

"Yeah." He agreed.

It didn't take long for me to get in front of my house, Jasper and I departed with a wave.


After successfully making it past my second day of high school I decided I would go visit my aunt. The first few weeks of school always made it hectic in my house, the girls either complaining about people in their class or chatting off each others ears about how wonderful their day was.

Mostly my mom was the one that was talked to, but she had no problem with it, she loved when they talked to her.

"Ari! Ari!" My littlest sisters, the twins, Hazel and Violet shouted.

I turned to them, offering them smiles, they were the only two that didn't annoy me, "What do you have there?" I asked as I saw the paper they had in their hands.

"Our art teacher had us paint our favorite thing, look!" Hazel smiled holding up her paper and then Violet doing the same.

I smiled at their drawings, Hazel had painted what looked somewhat like a zebra and Violet painted a fairly decent looking horse.

I kissed each of their heads, "They look great."

It seemed that they had only then realized the backpack on my shoulder, "Are you leaving?" They asked, their smiled fading.

I nodded, "I'm going to visit Aunt Jenny, I'll be back later."

"Can we go too?" They asked and I shook my head.

"Just me, sorry." I said and looked up to my mom, "I'm going now."

She nodded, looking over Cora as she ranted to our mother, "Alright baby, be safe." She smiled as I walked out.

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