Chapter3 Escape from Evil

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-Dark Kingdom

One day in the throne of Allen (al-len) in the Dark Kingdom the floor of the palace are made of black marble tiles with a red carpet on it, and many candles that are floating on the walls which lights up the kingdom. The walls are maid of cement and painted on black. The Dark God feels weird and dizzy on that morning, he was sitting now in his throne thinking deeply with his right hand in the cheek and the elbow was in his sit.

A loyal servant named John who was a wizard come closer to him, bringing a special news everyday and he knelled down before he read the news. His skin is brown, dark short hair and always laughing after he talks, instead of wearing a wizards hat he wears a joker hat on his head making himself funny.

In this moment he delivers a very important news that will change the lonely mood to his majesty.

"Your majesty I have a special news for you...hahaha" he pause a while and swallowed his throat before opening and read the scroll.

"My majesty... the goddess of Light will soon to deliver her first child in this afternoon from E.C." Both of them laugh sarcastically after a minute John leaves his majesty after reading the scroll, he was also the one who was assign to keep every scroll at the library.

Allen stand and walk near the front door, at his left side there was a little fountain located near the wall, because of that news his suddenly form a plan in his mind, he use his power to watch over Feiam (fe-yam) through the bloody Fountain in his palace, but he fails because there was a barrier in the whole Light Kingdom

He almost loss hope but another idea comes from his mind.  (If she will deliver that child, half of our own power from the Crystal of Life will be transfer immediately to our baby, if that will happen the barrier may be weakened) he smile darkly while looking the fountain.

-Light Kingdom

In the afternoon Feiam will soon to deliver and Mercy went in a big white painted room near the guest room.

"Ah...!" Feiam shouted because of the pain of labor and successfully deliver a cute baby boy in the bed. Then Mercy cut the umbilical cord using a sterile silver scissors and she notice that the baby have no mark of a sun on his back which symbolize the bloodline of a deity.

"Maybe it will appear in the right time at the right place" She murmurs while wiping the baby with a white cloth.

Then she raised the baby high and a ray of light show up from the sky like receiving a blessings, after that a light aura like a white smoke from Feiam body and a dark aura in a form of black smoke coming outside the palace which enter inside the baby. So this child was blessed with half of the light and dark aura from the crystal of life.

After a few minutes of birth she was very exhausted but still she was not losing her consciousness. Suddenly Allen appeared on their front then Mercy noticed that both of the their face get mature with fine wrinkles in their forehead and get older like forties, because each of this deity have twenty five percent of their power remaining from the Crystal of Life, while that child have half their power.

"Guards help!" Mercy shout facing the front door, eventually she hear the footsteps of the soldier come nearer and nearer up to the point they are behind the big brown wooden door, they push it back and forth but they failed because it was lock, so the guard and soldier stuck outside the door. Mercy know it was the work of the Dark Lord who lock the door from the inside when he teleported in the room.

Allen eventually raises his left hand to attack Mercy who was holding the baby, he formed a dark ball made of power from his left hand and throw it to them. Mercy thought that was their end but luckily Feiam cast spell to put a barrier against that attack as a defense.

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