Chapter 3: Red.

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I woke up on Madison's bed, staring at the ceiling trying to figure out if last night had been a dream, I brought my fingertips up to my face and softly traced the form of my lips. I craved the feeling of Tyler's mouth pressed against mine.

It had happened, it was real.

We kissed for what it seemed like hours but in reality it had been no more than minutes. Once we were done he laid down on his back, pulling me down with him, I rested my head on his chest and listened intently to his breathing while watching the stars as if we were trying to count every single one of them. I felt peace and I knew he felt it too, we shared a very special moment even if we were saying nothing. He rubbed my back soothing me and all I wanted was to freeze time and stay there forever. If I were to die at that moment I would've gone blissfully but I'll stay alive for more moments like that.

I snapped out of my thoughts acknowledging the prescence next to me.

Oh Maddie...If you only knew.

I can only think of her reaction, she's so overprotective of everyone she loves. I cannot tell you it would never happen again, my skin is begging me to be in contact with him just one more time.


The rest of the week was so overwhelming, I had so much homework and things to do I didn't have the chance to see Maddie after school, which meant, I didn't see Tyler after that night nor talked to him in person.

Being so busy I had no time to think about my feeling for either Tyler or Josh but as the week came to an end I was invited to a party that promised to take all of my stress out, of course I had to drag Maddie with me to keep an eye on my actions and so I didn't feel so lonely.

Kelly dropped us at the party, it took place in a big house and most of the people looked older than us but that didn't stop us.

After a while, after a couple round of shots which were double for me because I had to take the ones Maddie rejected, I started feeling that warms sensation, that kind of liquid happiness that numbs you. Madison mumbled something as I attemped to dance with her but she stood still.

"What?" I asked grabbing her hands trying to get her to move but she wouldn't. "He's here" She said, big eyes staring at something behind me, I still didn't understand. "Who?" I turned around, my hand still gripping Maddie's.

A familiar, tall, built figure, stood there with a bunch of college kids, laughing with a red solo cup on one hand. His hair that peeked out of a snapback was dyed a bright shade of red.

I tightened the grip on Maddie's hand as I felt my heart beating faster and a sudden rush of adrenaline sobered me up a little bit but still, I wondered what to do. I knew Maddie wouldn't want me to go talk to him and I wasn't sure he wanted me to do that too. I turned to look at Madison who was already looking at my surprised expression.

"I'll... be right back" I said trying to let go of her hand but she was grabbing me with force, "Don't" she warned me with her eyes and I began shaking my hand harder to free myself. She sighed and finally let go of my hand knowing that I was gonna do it anyway, I promised her It wouldn't take long and walked up to the crowd of people surrounding the man.

"J-Josh" I muttered softly, not even the alcohol could give me enough confidence to speak up a little louder and I was afraid he wouldn't hear me over the music blasting through the speakers. He turned to see me and his eyes grew as big as the moon with a mixture of surprise

"Mia! Wow.." Josh shook his head in awe before pulling me into a hug, it felt so bittersweet, him acting like nothing had happened, like he hadn't disappeared for a year without sending a single text. "I didn't know you where gonna be here," he said, "Let's go somewhere less loud," I agreed silently.

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