Chapter 10: Tense.

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That night was like the climax of a novel, when the pent up tension just explodes into a irremediable chaos and results in the end of the story. Tragedies always end up in death. This just happened to be the death of something that was struggling to be born.

I spent days avoiding going to Madison's house, which actually gave me more time to direct my energies in finding a suitable college for me, sending letters and trying hard to find a scolarship anywhere really. 

They say life gives you things but takes some others, life was fixing somethings like my mom getting an actual job which was well-paid, but it happened to be two hours from here, from the place I had grown up in and the one I was much dying to let go for so long. I couldn't leave yet, not before fixing this, I couldn't leave without coming clean to everyone, starting with the one person who is always being lied to by me.

"Maddie," I began, gesturing her to sit down on a bench. I brought her to the park we used to visit years ago, not too far from her house, and where we would play hide and seek for hours on end. She was hesitant at first, a little esceptic about the idea of coming here just to talk, she even suggested to make it a picnic afternoon but, without revealing too much I convinced her to simply meet me here. 

"You're scaring me Mia, what's going on?" She said with a puzzled look on her face because she could already sense my nervousness, I took a deep breath.

"You know I love you like a sister, right?" I struggled with my words and the way I was going to actually tell her that I had been lying to her for the last couple of months. "You're not pregnant right? Oh my god Mia, please tell me you're not pregnant," She said begining to panic, if I was not as anxious as her I would have questioned why on earth, of all things did she first think of me being pregnant.

"No, Maddie I'm not pregnant, listen to me okay?"


Let me start off differently then, "This couple of months have been...a rollercoaster of emotions and you've been incredibly supportive with me, like always Maddie and I can't thank you enough for that, my mom and I we've hit highs and lows and things are sorting out, my mom got a job a couple of hours from here and we're going to move out."

"But-but what abou-"

"Let me finish Maddie, please."

She sighed heavily, she was struggling to keep quiet.

"It's hard enough for me already, you and your family are the only thing important to me in this town and I can't leave you Maddie, not without telling you the whole truth..." I can still run if I want to, I don't have to do this, "I can't keep lying to you like this."

She tilted her head ever so slightly as if it was hard for her to understand what I was saying, her eyebrows were forrowed and she was no longer attempting to talk over me.

"Remember that night Tyler came home from college after a long time and we watched Titanic?" She nodded slowly still unable to comprehend, "Well, after you fell asleep, something happened between your brother and I, we climbed into the roof and everything just sort of...happened,"

"I don't want to hear it," She spat out. 

It was a  shocker, definitely too much information for her to take in all of a sudden. Maddie's eyes began watering when I told her about sneaking into Tyler's room and by the time I explained to her the whole argument that had been going on in her kitchen while she slept, she was already crying. I understood that it hurt because I was her best friend and not only was I hurting her by lying but I managed to hurt her brother too.

"He was so happy because Josh and him decided to start a band together, they were working on songs, he's been miserable since that day. Now I get why you haven't showed up at our house in so long, you've completely betrayed us." Her voice was choked up and the expression on her face was pure disappointment, "I didn't want to hurt you like this, I love both of you."

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