chapter 4

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a freak of nature, stuck in reality, i don't fit the picture, im not what you want me to be sorry, under the radar, out of the system, caught in the spot light, that's my existence. You want me to change but all i feel is strange.-Tokio Hotel

Jason p.o.v
     "Should you guy's call you parents?" I asked them while I was stuffing my face with food. They looked between each other and shook there head yes and Holly pulled out her phone. "hey, jason can you play me a song?" Molly asked with a huge smile on her face. "of course." I said and ran upstairs to my bedroom to get my guitar and ran back down stairs. I love playing them songs. They were the ones who encouraged me to play when I felt like giving up. Which was most of the time.
"What do you want to hear?" I asked while tuning my guitar. She thought for bit and said "Never to late, three days grace." I love that band. I started to strum the tune and sang the song. After the song Holly walked in with a smile on her face. "Can you stay?" I asked. "Only for tonight, We have to be home at 12:00 tomorrow." She said while walking over to the couch. She went to her pack back and pulled out a lighter and cigarettes. "Toss me one." Molly said. Holly rolled her eyes and pulled out three of them and tossed them to us.

"This things are going to kill us." I said. Holly looked at me with a smirk and said "Rather these kill us than life." She lit hers then tossed it to me and I tossed it to Molly. The smoke went into my month down into my lungs.
"hey, can you play me a song." Holly asked. I blew out the smoke and grabbed my guitar and shook my head yes. "Can you play me go flex by post malone?" I strummed the song and she hummed along while I sang. I love playing them songs. most people would be scared of us because the way we look.

Holly and Molly like talking about beating the sh*t out of people. Me on the other hand couldn't hurt a fly. Once I was done with the song I put the cigarette back in my mouth and leaned my head back. "Where are we going to sleep?" Molly asked. I looked around and saw how much smoke was in here. Mom and dad are going to be smelling the smoke for sure. "You guys can get my sisters room or my mom and dads room or you could just the guest room." I said with while shifting more in the couch. They looked between them and said they would take the guest room.

I got up and turned the light on for them. "Do you guys know what time it is?" I asked walking back into the living room. Molly pulled out her phone and said "its 3 in the morning." Holly chuckled and said while grabbing Molly's hand "How about we go to bed." We laughed and I headed to my room. As soon as my head hit the pillow I was dead a sleep.

(pic above is holly and molly.)       

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