Chapter 17

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How strange it is to dream of you even when I'm wide awake

Troy's p.o.v

     After we finished our food it turned 11:00 meaning my mom was on her way home. We walked back up to my room and he sat in the corner with his bag in front of him. I let out a sigh and walked up to him. I don't want him to hate me. "Jason please can't you at least try and be nice for the rest of the time your here?" I said.

     He just kept quiet. I'm trying everything but nothing seems to work. after a few minutes he looked at me and said "I'm tired." He looked away again.

     "Alright then let's go to bed." I said with a smile. He looked up at me and slightly smiled at me. I looked around for some blankets but I couldn't find any. Shit this is just great me and him will just have share my bed. I walked back into my room and he was looking out my window.

     "The whole reason why i got this room." I said and stood next to him. The stars shining, Tree's dancing and swaying together. I looked over at him and saw a small smile on his face.

     "Yeah i don't blame you, it's such a beautiful view, with the stars and everything." He said his smile slightly growing.

     "After my parents go to bed do you want to go to the park? The view is even more pretty." I said to him. He bit his lip and shooked his head yes with that cute smile that he does but i barely get to see it.

     "So where am I going to sleep?" He said looking out the window again. This is going to be dreadfully awkward.

     "Um, well I couldn't find any blankets so you're going have to sleep in my bed."

     "oh um ok." He said but it sounded more like a question. I staired at him until I heard my mom yell from somewhere.

     "Troy I'm home." We both walked down stairs and i saw her taking off her high heels. I walked up to her and gave her a hug like I always did. She smiled at Jason and said "And who might you be?"

     "I'm Jason." He held out his hand but my mom gave him a hug instead with her smile that can light up a whole room. That's what I like about my mom, She's the nicest person I've ever met.

     "Hi Jason, my name is Kate or Katie or mom either one is fine, you have some of the most beautiful eyes and the softest hair I have ever felt, what type of shower products do you use?" she rambled off to him but not letting him go from the hug.

     "Um I use axe when I shower and coconut oil like every three days." He said. My mom laughed and pulled him closer for one more hug then let him go. He chuckled softly as she walked away going to the kitchen. 

     "That's my mom, she has quite the personality." I said to him. He had that small smile again. He yawned and we both walked back to my room. We just layed on my bed playing some game but I kept on getting shot. I glanced over at him again for the 100th time. I looked away and finally shot him dead.

     "Ah i got you." I said while raising my fist up and down in the air. He started laughing at me and rolled his eyes.

      "Ok, ok Mister big shot but I've shot you like 10 time." he laughed some more. I rolled my eyes and layed back down but a tad bit closer this time. after a few more rounds and him winning everyone of them my mom and dad yelled out goodnight to us. I got up and shut off the TV and the lights. I walked up' to the window and opened it up the cold air coming in.

     I turned around and saw Jason was gone but the light from the bathroom gave it away. He walked out with all of the makeup off. His face still had bruises and scratches. I stepped out on the roof and him following. The wind pushing his hair out of his face and messing up mine. We walked to the edge jumped off. Both of us landing on the ground.

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