Chapter 28

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Wish you would learn to love people and use things
And not the other way around~Drake

Evan's p.o.v

I watched him as he layed in my lap. His eyes shut breathing slowly. I was supposed to wake him up for school but I knew he hated going and I knew why too. My cousin just loves to beat him up and it makes me feel like a piece of shit because I can't fight him.

He's stronger than me and a year older. The only reason why we're in the same grade is because he got held back in kindergarten for stabbing a kid in the hand. He always been the top dog of everything because he is just one year older than everyone.

Now everything is still the same, His the captain of the football team, rich, a great future in front of him and everything he could wish for. but I have something he's always wanted pure love. He's always wanted a girl that was untouched.

I may not have a girl that's untouched but I have a boy that's pure and I plan on making him feel everything he has been missing out on.

I looked down at my phone. We've got 10 minutes before we're late. I shook him awake and told him what time it was. he was already dressed so all he had to do was grab his bag. We only have three class together which is a big bummer.

"Ready?" I asked while he was grabbing his skateboard. He nodded his head and we walked down the stairs. The whole way to school he rode beside me. The wind catch his hair pushing it to the side showing his thin cheeks, strong jawline and his eyes.

I guess that I staired at him to long because he turned and looked at me with a eyebrow rised. I flashed him a smile and he returned the favor. Once the school came into view I let go of his hand and waved goodbye. I hated watching him leave.

I sat in the hallway waiting for science to start when Troy came walking down the hallway like its a runway made just for him.It seemed like everyone turned there head to watch him walk by. Yeah I was jealous of him but then again who isn't?

Holly and Molly came walking down the hall a few minutes after Troy. They dressed like violet from American horror story but more goth. If that makes sense? Everyone was trying to not make eye contact with them.

I guess they think that if they do make eye contact they will have a curse for the rest of there lives. I swear I hate people. The bell rang and everyone stood up going into class.

Mrs.Res was sitting at her desk, her red hair pulled into a bun, black glasses sat on the edge of her nose, light freckles scattered across her face and a set of grassy green eyes to top it all off with. She is really pretty but in her late twenty's.

I sat down next to Johnny and he raised his brow before he flashed a smile. Im kind of friends with Troy's friends but not really. We were sitting in the back of the class next to the science books. He leaned closer to me and whispered "Do you know why Troy's acting funny?"

I shook my head, "What do you mean, He seems fine to me."

He looked up at Mrs.Res to make sure she wasn't hearing us. "I don't know but he's acting like he's miserable with Lilly and he just not being himself, Like the other day after him and Lilly went on there date he came back acting strange and he wouldn't talk about it at all most of the time he's bragging about it."

I shrugged and was about to say something but Mrs.Res let out a cough causing us to look up' "You boys have something more interesting than science?" Mrs.Res says with a little sass behind her words.

"No ma'am." Johnny and I said at the same time. With a light nod she turned around and continued to teach.

he bell rang meaning it was time to go. I packed up my bag and we all lined up at the door. Mrs.res opened the door letting us out.

Next was gym. I was swerving avoiding getting stomped on by other kids. When I pasted a classroom the hasn't been used in a long just mainly for storage I heard Troy's voice. "Lilly it wasn't my fault!" When I heard this I stopped dead in my tracks.

"Really Troy, thats my gross ass brother, are you a faggot like him now!" Lilly snapped at Troy.

"No im not Lilly, Why can't we just forget about it?" Troy begged. What the hell are they talking about?

"You had a wet dream about my brother, How am I supposed to forget about that?" Lilly said.

I felt my fist clench as those words came out of Lilly's mouth. My cousin had a wet dream about my boyfriend? I walked down the hall trying to find Nick Patterson the blabber mouth of this school. He was standing with his group of friends.

I pulled him to the basketball court. "What the hell dude?" He said while pulling his arm away from me.

"Look I just heard that Troy has something planned for Jason but he doesn't want anyone knowing." I say to him with a sly look.

I watched as a smirk came across his face. "Tell me more."

"I didn't hear all of it but from what I heard everyone should be in on it, He going to try to embarrass him at the school dance at the end of this month." I say with the sly look never leaving either of our faces.

"I'll try to get every one in on this. Might be fun to help out the king of this school." I nodded my head walked to gym.

Operation: Make Jason hate Troy even more than he already does, While make him love me more. Is in action.  






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