Chapter 24

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You're eyes are like the ocean and I'm slowly drowning in them.

Troy's p.o.v

I woke to my dad shaking me and yelling at me to wake up. I dread this day. I kicked the blanket off of me and walked to my closet. Looking at my clothes and seeing my shoes hanging from my shirts and some of the shoes tied together. A smile broke on my face knowing what asshole did this. I untied my shoes from my shirts and grabbed a pair of jeans. I throw on my jeans, shirt and shoes and ran downstairs.

I opened the door and headed to school but stopped dead in my tracks. I felt a shiver ran though me as I thought of lily being there waiting for me. I looked up at the sky and closed my eyes. She's going to hate. I pulled out my phone and scrolled through my contacts until I found Johnny's number. It rang 3 times before he picked up.

"Hey dude what's up?" he said and sounded really happy.

"Hey, you and Charlie want to skip today?" I asked him.

"Hell yeah man, where do you want to meet at?" he asked.

"Meet me at the small Library​."  I said and we hung up. I started walking toward the library but saw a cop sitting there in his car. I looked around and just started walking hoping he wouldn't see me. once I was half way to the door I ran to it.

Once I was in I saw the old lady in her rocking chair reading gone with the wind. As I stood there her old pale blue eyes made contact with mine. She stopped rocking pointed to the chair next to her. As if she knew me since I was a little boy. I slowly made my way over there and sat down. "What brings a young man like you in a old place like this?" She said.

Her voice was soft and shakey. I haven't been in here​ since I was really young. No one comes in here anymore. There no computers or wifi just some old Dusty books and a couple of chairs. "I'm waiting for my friends." I said.

She started rocking again and said "Why aren't you in school, your going to be late if your friends don't hurry up." Her eyebrows went up as she looked at me again.

"I'm not going to school today, I really don't like it there." I said truthfully. I felt like I knew this lady for years. like I could trust her.

She turned and looked at me again her eyes still worn out. "Are you running from something?" She said in a firm but sweet​ kinda way. That question was like a punch in the face. How did she know? Was she some kinda witch or something?

"Yeah kind of. There's this girl that likes me and she's really pretty but I feel like I'm forcing myself to fall in love with her." My words just came pouring out. She didn't know me so there's no one she could tell about my secret's.

"Well, just because she has a stunning face doesn't mean she's going to be perfect for you, If her soul doesn't match yours that mean you still have time and when you do find the perfect person it won't matter what there face looks like, It's about how they will make you feel." When she finished she put down her book and grabbed her box that had yarn and she started to knit.

"But the person who makes me feel like I'm on top of the world isn't a girl there a guy and I can't be with a guy it would ruin everything." She pressed her lips​together then licked them after I was done talking.

"Would it ruin everything for you? or are you just scared that people will look at you differently because there's a difference."

Just as I was about to answer the door open and Johnny and Charlie 'came in. I thanked her for our talk we started to walk out. I really needed that I feel a lot better now.

(Time skip😛)

Remember how I said I felt better? yeah well that went out the window as soon as I drove into her drive way. I stepped out of my car and went to the front door and knocked. I was expecting her to open the door but nope it just had to be her dad. "Lilly is almost done she'll be down in a bit." He said with a smile. "And if you hurt​ her I'll have to kill you ok?" He finished his sentence with a death glare at me as I walked in.

I looked around and saw Jason coming down the stairs. I bit my lip and stiff up. All he was wearing was a pear of boxers​ and a long tee shirt. His hair was messy and bags under his stunning eyes. I started to walk over to him. He was getting water and he turned and looked at me.

"Hey, what are you doing here?" He asked plainly. He must of just woke up. His voice was husky and dry.

"I'm waiting for lilly, what are you doing here?" I said. I mentally slapped myself at the question I just asked. He chuckled at me and rolled his eyes.

"Do want to see my new guitar, I just got it and it sounds amazing." He said excitedly​.

"Yeah, that'd be cool." I said. He grabbed my wrist and led me upstairs to his room. There was only one room up here and that was his. He opened the door and led me in. There was holes in the walls and posters  hanging. His bed was small, there was one window​ and two closets. I sat at the end of his bed feeling nervous for some reason.

He went to his big closet and opened it. He dragged out a speaker and a blood red guitar. He turned on the speaker and sat down really close beside me strummed a few cords. It was calming what he played. I don't know what song it was but man was it peaceful.

I looked at him. A small smile on his face. His eyes twinkling from his guitar. I felt my arm reach out and cup his face and made him turn and look at me. I bit my lip and my heart raced as I leaned in. I have no idea what I'm doing but I couldn't stop myself.

I closed the gape that was between us. At first he just sat there but after a few seconds his hand went to my hair and he pulled me closer. He pulled back and let out a little moan against my lips and that sent a shiver down my spine. I was leaning in again but before I could I heard lilly yell "Troy I'm ready!"

Jason's eyes widened like he just now noticed what we just did. He shoved me back while still holding his guitar. "Get out!" He yelled as I stumbled out the his room. He came up to the door and slammed it shut right in my face. I made my way down the stairs and grabbed Lilly's hand. We started to the door and she shouted "We'll be back soon dad."

And with that the worst night of my life got started.     

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