chapter 7

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troy's p.o.v
     "it's a tie!" evans yelled really loud everyone was cheering us to another round. pigskin by hollywood undead was blaring though the speakers. they refilled the cups and i locked eyes with jason for like the 190th time. they took 5 away from my side and 5 away from his side. there was a crowd standing all around us. evans started talking really loudly "ok, so we are going to one up this game by instead of beer were going to use whiskey."

     people started cheering and they started to pour the whiskey into our cup. i knew after this i wasn't going to be fine. "3...2..1" as soon as we heard the one we started downing our drinks. he got his cup flip an by the time i got my first one done he was already moving onto his third cup. we locked eyes again and he kept pushing himself to stay a head of me. after i get my third one flipped he was all done.

     people started chanting his name as evans raised his arm into the air. i could tell he was really drunk but he was trying to push it away. everything felt like it was spinning. i looked down at my watch and it said 4:38 am. i should go. i walked up to evans who was talking to jason. i tapped on his shoulder and he turned around. "hey evans, i got to go i'll see you around." he gave me a hug and i locked eyes with jason.

     i could hardly see his blue eyes because of his black hair. his arms were wrapped around stomach and his jacket was slowly sliding off of his shoulder. i pulled away from evans walked out to my car. i could already hear my mom and dad yelling at me right now. i really couldn't give a shit right now. i shook my head and tried to focus on driving. i finally got home and when i did mom and dad started yelling.

     "where that hell have you been?!" they yelled at the same time. my body felt like it was floating. there voices sounded muffled. i walked passed them up the stairs and fell into my bed. it felt like it was flipping and turning. after what seemed like hours but really minutes i fell asleep. i knew in the morning i was going to regret all of this drinking. 

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