chapter 23

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what's normal for the spider is chaos for the fly

Jason's p.o.v

I woke up 3 hours before I should have. I laid in my bed staring at my wall. I really should patch the holes I've made. I heard a loud thump and glass shatter. I pulled the warm blanket off of me and tiptoed down the stairs. I saw dad standing there in his pajamas and messy hair.

I really should have put on a shirt before I came down here. I walked over and helped him pick up the glass. The small pieces of glass where stabbing me in the hand as i took them to the trash can. He turned and looked at me straight in the eyes like he was mad. "What are you doing up so early?" he asked.

He didn't sound mad or anything just tired. I scratched the back of my neck and rocked on my feet trying to think of a reason. "I fell asleep then woke up and couldn't fall asleep again, what about yourself?" I said and jumped on the counter. He walked to the fridge and pulled out a iced beer and pulled out a orange juice for me.

He doesn't drink much only when his stressed about something. He leaned against the counter next to me and put the beer to his lips while I did the same with the orange juice. "I'm just stressed from work and running lilly all over the place and it doesn't help that you had that break down a couple of weeks ago." He rambled off.

Last time I had a break down I was 10 and it was bad. I can't remember to much really. I was given a pill like always and then I can't remember to much. "I didn't mean to have that break down dad, I don't know how or why it happened." I said just telling the truth. If I had to say who I was closer to in my family I would have to say my dad but that's not saying to much honestly.

"I know Jason, it's ok." He paused but he wasn't done talking. "your grandparents are coming up in a couple of days, Are you going to hang out with us or are you going to hold up in your room the whole time?"

I groaned not wanting them to come up. They're just going to smother lilly and give me dirty looks. it always happens. "Do I have a choice?" I asked. He lightly chuckled and rolled​ his eyes.

"If you do what option would you take?" He said. laughing lightly. I never got my dad to laugh. His normally uptight and stern with me.

"Is it moms​, mom and dad or your mom?" I mubbled. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. His dad died about 6 months ago and he's still getting over it. I was never close to him so it didn't really take a toll on me but it did on the rest of the family.

"It's Mom's, mom and dad." He stated like i was the biggest dumbass ever. I stated to feel tired so I got off the counter and stretched out my arms and let a big yawn out.

"I'm gonna go to bed." I said through my yawn. "Night" was all he said back. As I slowly stepped up the stairs I started to think about the last time me and my dad had a talk like that. He was trying to get me to go to therapy again. I hated​ my therapist, all she did was throw pills in my face and called it good or send me away for several months because "I needed to learn how to behave like normal people do"

I closed my door harder then I should have causing a light slam. my room was dark and my bed was cold as I crawled into it. I looked over at 'my busted up wall again and started to fall asleep again. Tomorrow I get to see evan, Holly and Molly and with that i fell asleep with a small smile on my face. 


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