Chapter 1 // Friends?

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Budo's POV
"So what are you gonna do, Budo?" Osana asked
"I don't know. Taro likes her, so I kinda don't want to get involved."
"He barely even knows her, she's in your club damn it."
"Exactly, I'm her friend, not her boyfriend."
"Urgh, you boys are such bakas. If you really like her then fight for her, may the best man win."

Taro's POV
"What if he does like her? I mean, I don't want to be a bad friend, but I did like her first."
"There's like no way he likes Ayano. He has a crush on Osana, right?"
"I thought that at first too, but now I'm not sure." I scratched my neck
"Well, show Ayano that you're like, totally better!"
"How do I do that Musume?"

Ayano's POV
Senpai's been talking to that Musume girl for a while now.. does she want my Senpai? Hm.. I don't know. Senpai, Musume, Budo and Osana usually hang out. So it should be okay for now. But if she lays a finger on my sweet, sweet Senpai...
I decided to walk past them slowly to hear their convo topic
"Hey! Aishi-Sama!" Senpai smiled
"U-Uh.. hi.." I smiled nervously. Senpai noticed me!?
"Don't be nervous, I don't bite." he smiled
"S-Sorry." I looked down
"You have no need to be. Are you busy at lunch time?"
"Well, I was going to go to the martial arts club, but I don't have to, why?"
"Cool, wanna meet up with me and a few friends?"
"O-Okay!" I smiled
"Well, what class are you in?" he smiled back
"Class 2-1, Rino Fuka's room."
"Got it."
"I'll walk you to your room." he began walking
"Y-You don't have to." I trailed behind him
"I know." he slowed down a little so he was walking next to me, so I continued nervously
"I don't think we've properly met, I'm Ayano Aishi." I tried to break the awkward silence
"I know- I mean.. because you're in Budo's club. That sounded way creepier than it should have, sorry.. I'm Taro Yamada." what's up with him? He's acting strange..
"It's okay. I forgot you and Budo were best friends." I laughed
"Hi guys!" Budo joined us, breaking the tension a little.
"Hi Budo." I smiled
"Hey buddy, you alright?" Taro gave him a strange look
"Great thanks, whatcha doing?" Budo returned a strange look
"Just walking Ayano to class."
"Well, thanks. This is my room. Where are we meeting?" I asked
"Rooftop, see you later." he leaned forwards a little as if to try to hug me, but he stopped himself.
"Bye Ayano." Budo hugged me quickly
"Bye." Taro then hugged me too. Oh Senpai... why are you acting so weird? Not that I'm complaining.
"Bye.." I went into my classroom and took a seat

Taro's POV
"What's your problem?" I whisper shouted as me and Budo walked upstairs
"Don't act dumb, that was a total cock block. Why did you have to hug her too?"
"She's my friend, I didn't know you'd get so annoyed."
"I'm sorry for lashing out." I sighed, "I just wanted some time alone with her."
"It's fine, I'm sorry too." we walked into class and there was a supply teacher
"Oh hi, where's our regular teacher?"
"She's on a business trip at the moment, but don't worry, I can teach you everything you need to know.." she laughed seductively. Fucking hell..

Ayano's POV
I kept staring at the clock. 1pm, please hurry up. When I wasn't daydreaming about my Senpai, I was focusing on my physical education and biology.
I couldn't help but wonder why Senpai and Budo were acting so weird.
FINALLY! I gathered all my stuff quickly and was about to leave when;
"Ayano, can we chat for a second?" Mina asked
"I really don't have time." I looked at the clock
"It's really really quick, I swear."
"Mmmmmmfine, go."
"Budo keeps getting annoyed, do you know if he's been in any arguments?"
"Not that I'm aware of, you'll have to ask him personally. I have to go now but I'll see you later." I ran out of the classroom and bumped into someone
"Do you mind? I have somewhere to be." I snapped, picking up all my stuff
"I'm sorry, but I guess we're even now." a familiar voice said as he helped me pick up my things. I looked up and..
"Oh, Taro. I'm sorry. I didn't know it was you." I turned red
"It's okay, I shouldn't have waited around the corner silently like that." he took the books in my arms for me
"You don't have to carry my stuff."
"No, please. It was my fault." he stood up and reached out his hand for me. I took it nervously and stood up, "Did I hurt you?"
"Not at all, I'm fine." I smiled as we walked to my locker
"Good, but we should probably meet another way." he laughed
"I agree." we walked downstairs and put our books away. He got out a bento, but I didn't have anything to eat. Usually my dad would make me something, but they'd be gone for another few weeks.
"No problem. Don't you have anything to eat?"
"No, I don't."
"That's okay, you can share mine."
"S-Share your bento?"
"Yeah, I don't want you going without food."
"O-Okay." I turned red again
"By the way, I forgot to tell you who we're meeting with. It's me, you, Musume, Osana, Hayato and possibly Budo."
"Oh, okay." me and Osana were quite good friends, because I decided that if I wanted to keep Senpai sane then I shouldn't kill her. Other insignificant people I had no problem with putting a knife to. I never really talked to Musume and the same with Hayato. I was also quite good friends with Budo since he was my club's leader.
"Hi Taro, Ayano, are you joining us?"
"Yeah." I smiled at Osana
"Great! Welcome to our weird group!"

Yandere Youth [Ayano x Taro x Budo]Where stories live. Discover now