Chapter 9 // Tutoring [Smut Warning]

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Lets see here

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Lets see here.. Maths. My favourite.. (sarcasm? What sarcasm!?) Page 394.. Equations!? Are you fucking me? I hate them so much urgh.
So.. √80.. so you.. you uh.. okay what the actual fu-
*Knock Knock*
"Coming!" I shouted. Anything to get away from that shit. "Budo?" I opened the door, "I've got homewo-"
"I came to tutor you." he smiled
"Tutor me?"
"Y'know, help you with your homework. I figured since I've already done this work I'd be able to help." he smiled cutely
"To be honest.. I really need help." I embarrassingly laughed
"Welp, that's why I'm here." he winked. I took his hand and lead him into my room. "Not exactly how I imagined being dragged into your bedroom would go, but oh well." he smirked
"Don't tempt me." I blushed
"What are we starting with?" he asked, sitting on my bed and pulling me onto his lap and placing my book on my lap
"Fun fun fun! What's question 1?"
"Oh. Equations, okay. So. What two numbers make up 80, one has to be a squared number."
"Uhhh. 16 and 5?" I asked
"Yep, and the squared root of 16 is?"
"Okay, so the answer is?"
"4√5 ?" I asked
"Perfect! Do you understand it?" he kissed the back of my neck.
"Yeah, thank you Budo."
"You're welcome. Next question?"


"Done!" I shouted excitedly
"Great! We have the entire day to ourselves now!" we laid down on my bed
"Thank god." I snuggled into his chest, wrapping my leg around him
"I'm jealous that Taro has enough money to take you to nice places." he sighed, "I wish I could take you to the fanciest restaurants and treat you like a princess."
"But I don't care where we are. I just want to be there with you. I don't even need to be on a date with you, right here and right now is perfect." I smiled
"You have no idea how happy that makes me." he kissed me
"When we first met.. I never thought this would have happened. But I'm so glad it did. I just want you to know that."
"Thank you Ayano." he put his arm up my shirt and started massaging my back slowly
"Do you have to leave?" I asked, moving closer to him
"Never." he whispered
"Budo, have you ever..?"
"No.. have you?" he returned
"No. Have you ever had foreplay?"
"Other than us yesterday, nope. I'm assuming you haven't either."
"You are correct in saying that." I smiled
"Well.. are we goi-"
"I'm not against it." I interrupted him
"Right now?"
"Unless you don't want to."
"Oh I want to." he laughed sexily
"Yeah. Good." he leaned in and started french kissing me. When we started picking up the pace, he moved over and I laid on top of him. He tugged on my hair a little which drove me crazy so I just continued to caress my hand against his face and chest. I undid his shirt buttons and his hands once again rose up my shirt, this time to my bra straps.
"C-Can I?"
"Y-Yeah. P-Please do." I gasped for air
"Aya.. Ayano.."
He undid the straps and threw my bra on the floor. I still had my shirt on, so he couldn't see anything, it was just more comfortable. He seemed to enjoy his chest being against mine. He stopped and whispered my name into my ear a few times, needless to say making me want him even more.
"8 months.. worth the wait.." he smirked beginning to kiss my neck.
"I agree.. I.. love you.. Budo." I caught my breath a little.
"I love you too." his hand travelled downwards and started getting 'familiar' which I had no problems with whatsoever. At that point I didn't know how far we were going to go, but I didn't care in that moment. All I could think about was us and our memories. Perfection.

Budo's POV
"I want to make you happy Ayano." I said tugging at her underwear
"Then you take the lead now." she smirked, laying down flat on the bed and looking me in the eyes with a devilish look. I was determined to show Ayano that I could make her 10x happier than Taro ever could.
Returning the look she had given me, I threw my shirt on the floor and slowly pulled up hers, which she was wearing nothing under. I couldn't help but smile seeing that she wanted me.
"Go on." she smirked
"You're 100% sure?" I asked
"110% Budo. You're leading now." she kissed me
"If you insist." I pulled out my phone
"What are you doing?" she covered herself
"Oh, sorry, that looks weird doesn't it? I'm just getting some music." I scrolled through my phone until I found a song that we both agreed on. I put it on the night stand and continued to explore her all over with my hands. I could see her getting more into it with every touch.
"I don't have any protection."  I remembered
"Then we just can't go that far. There are no other limits."
"And I'm the teaser?"
"I'm not teasing, you have full control remember." she pulled me closer.
"I don't care about my pleasure, only yours matters to me." I whispered in her ear making her shudder. She took my hand and placed it in a sacred place, pulling down her underwear
"Then go ahead."
"As you wish princess."
I started off slow, but sped up as she ordered me to until she was shouting out random things, motivating me. She was always so quiet, hearing her being so... 'vocal' was definitely a turn on.
When she finally finished, she shouted out something that I would never forget. 2 words that have been permanently stuck in my head.
"Master Budo.."
"M-Master?" I asked, "You said a lot of things but.. master?"
"It just.. slipped out.. I'm sorry." she breathed heavily.
"N-No, no.. I.. uh.."
"Y-You liked it, didn't you?" she smirked at me
"N-No I didn't.." I lied
"You totally liked it for a second!" she sat up
"Maybe a little." I turned red
"Master Budo." she whispered in my ear pulling me back down
"Can I be your permanent tutor?"

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