Chapter 10 // Princess

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Ayano's POV
"Yeah I know. See you in a bit Shin. Bye." I hung up the call.
Yesterday was.. woah. But I had a date with Taro this evening, so I couldn't let it get to my head, after all, me and Budo may be together - but so are me and Taro.
However, before I thought about all of that, I had to go help Shin babysit.
I got dressed and tried not to think about Budo. I opened the door and was about to leave when I saw Taro, preparing to knock on my door with a bouquet of roses.
"Oh, hey Taro."
"Goodmorning beautiful~" he smiled. "Are you going somewhere? Maybe I shouldn't have come early."
"I have to go babysit with Shin." I entered the outside and locked my door. "You coming?"
"Awesome!" he followed me.


"Hey Shin, I brought back up!"
"Oh thank god. I didn't think there would be THIS many kids at a birthday party."

All three of us ran into the lounge to see rampaging kids everywhere. When I said good morning they all seemed to stop and stare at me. It was weird.

"You're pretty! Can you do my makeup?" a little girl approached me.
"Aww sweetie you're too pretty for makeup!" I booped her nose.
"Psst!" a little boy poked me. I kneeled down and he whispered into my ear, "There's a girl I like at this party and I want to ask her out. Can you help me?"
"Sure!" I smiled, "Just get her alone and make her feel special." I grabbed a rose from Taro's bouquet, "Give her this - and be yourself, okay?"
"Thank you miss!" he took the rose and hugged me.
"Ayano how are you so good with kids?" Shin asked.
"I have no idea." I shrugged.
"It's because she's beautiful and kind." Taro smiled. A girl in a princess outfit ran over to him and beckoned to be picked up.
"Is she your girlfriend?" she pointed to me.
"Kinda." he laughed.
"You're lucky."
"I know."
"But you're handsome too."
"Aha, thank you, princess." he smiled, putting her down.
"Hey Inami.." the boy with the rose approached us again with the present behind his back, "Can we go talk in the hallway?"

Since our arrival, the kids had begun to settle down and were all playing Princess, Prince and Dragon or something. Shin thanked me a lot - but I didn't really know why. Taro pulled me out into the hallway and checked nobody was around. He dropped the bouquet on the floor and put his hand against my face.

"Hey princess."
"Good day." I laughed.
"It is now." he leaned forwards and kissed me against the wall. I couldn't help but smile and hold onto him too. All of a sudden we heard a kiss sound from somewhere else. Huh? A familiar princess and prince came from around the corner holding hands. So cute.
"How do you do that?" the little girl asked. Oh god..
"Just go with the flow."
"Taro!" I slapped his arm.
"Why do you tilt your heads like that?"
"Because otherwise your noses will bump into each other!" he smiled.
"Taro stop giving them a tutorial!" I laughed.
"Open your mouth just a little bit. Do what you think is right." he smirked at me.
"Ayanooo!" he mocked me before leaning in one again. Shortly after the kids ran around the corner again, probably replicating us.
"You're terrible." I shook my head.
"You like it."
"You shouldn't-"
"Ah ah ah, since when have you been the judge of what you should or shouldn't do?"
"I liked it better when you were quiet." I pulled him back in.

Before we knew it the party was over and the kid's parent arrived home. We were all payed well and left to go home. Me and Taro went straight to the restaurant for our date and Shin went home. I wonder what happened to the little prince and princess..

Yandere Youth [Ayano x Taro x Budo]Where stories live. Discover now