Chapter 5 // Privacy

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Ayano's POV
Budo placed his hand on my shoulder lovingly. I don't understand.. I'm supposed to like my Senpai, but now I have these strange feelings towards Budo too.. and now there's another murderer? Although he may have been caught..
Info-Chan told me earlier that Budo has feelings for me.. but she could be lying to fuck with me.. god I don't know. And I still have feelings for Taro anyway, so why is Budo relevant all of a sudden?
"TARO!! WALK ME HOME!!" Hanako ran in shouting
"Alright! Calm down! I'll see you later Ayano." Taro smiled, being pulled away by his little sister. Brat.
"Can I walk you home?" Budo asked. I didn't think much of it, since we were friends and we had hung out alone before anyway.
"Sure." I smiled
"After what the officer said earlier, I don't want you to be alone.." he held my hand
"T-Thanks.." I blushed
"It's my honour Aishi-Sama." he bowed
"Let's go." I got up and we began walking, hand in hand.
"Ayano, there's something that I've been meaning to talk to you about. Can we chat in private please?" he stopped me in the hall
"Of course, what's up Budo?" I opened the supply closet door that me and Taro had been hiding in and closed the door behind us.
"Who are you killing for Ayano?"
"E-Excuse me?"
"Well.. I worked out that you're a yandere, but I can't figure out if you're killing for Taro or for me."
"Y-You know?"
"You want to know a little secret?"
"O-Okay??" I asked
"I forgot to clean up a bloody footprint earlier, silly right? It was easy to frame Haruto though.."
"That was you?" the fact that Budo was a yandere too.. I was more attracted to him than before.. "You're like me?"
"Are you impressed? I did it for you. The boys kept saying he liked you, and that's simply not good enough now, is it?" he smiled proudly
"No.. no it's not."
"So Ayano, is it me or Taro that you are in love with?" he pushed me up against the wall carefully
"B-Budo I.."
"Which one of us would you kill for?"
"Do you want me to kiss you Ayano?" he whispered, finally giving me time to answer.
"Y-Yes.." I said without thinking. Budo had a way with words that was too charming to refuse. He smiled as he put his arm against the wall next to my head. He leaned closer until we were only centimetres apart.
"That's what I was hoping you'd say." he pulled away
"Don't be such a tease." I crossed my arms, blushing furiously
"I'm just making sure that we're on the same page." he smirked
"Budo, I have feelings for Taro."
"Then why do you want me to kiss you?"
"Because I have feelings for you too.."
"I see. Well, I've never been one for sharing." he clicked his knuckles
"Budo, please don't hurt him."
"But if he's out the way, then we can be together Ayano!" he smiled enthusiastically
"He's your best friend Budo. Don't let your humanity escape you." I brushed my hand against his face
"Fine. Just for you. But if he attacks me or you then-"
"If it's in defence, I won't be mad."
"It's getting hot in here." I started fanning myself
"So take off all your clothes." he winked
"What? It's the lyric!" he laughed, opening the closet door, "Get out before I lose control of myself."
"God, you're such a tease." I left, with him following behind me, taking my hand and interlocking his fingers with mine.
"You have no idea." he started using his thumb to caress my hand
"I don't know what to do Budo." I sighed
"Well, obviously I want you.. but I understand the situation you're in." he changed his tone of voice
"You're both polar opposites, and you both have great qualities about you, but you're just too different to even compare."
"How so?"
"You're super hot, but Taro's super adorable. I feel protected by you, but I love to protect Taro. You're like me, but Taro's so innocent."
"You think I'm hot?" he smirked
"I mean, duh." I shrugged
"Really? Because every time I see you I just want to- AHEM. Let's not go there.."
"Don't say my name like that." he looked away from me
"Like what.. Budooo?"
"God." he sighed
"Oh, I'm sorry. Budo.."
"God fucking damn it Ayano." he laughed


He walked me to the front door and I got out my keys.
"Are you coming in?" I asked
"We both know that's not a good idea." he kissed me on the cheek. I grabbed his shirt and pulled him closer, kissing him passionately. "Thank you."
"It was inevitable anyway." I laughed, "You're sure you don't want to come in?" I asked
"Fine, but just for a few minutes." I let him in and closed the door behind us
"How long has it been now?" I asked
"Pfft, must've been at least 5 months since you joined the club, 7 or 8 months since we met." he thought back
"Feels like forever."
"I'm glad." he came close to me and wrapped his arms around me, "We both know where this is going, right?"
"I'm definitely aware, yes."
"Then come here."

Taro's POV
This is all Hanako's fault. I had to take her home, meaning Budo could swoop in and take Ayano from me. They were holding hands until they got to her house.. then they were making out.. and now? Now they're in her house. Hanako is going to die. It doesn't bother me that she's my sister, she ruined everything. So now, I simply don't care. Budo's going down too. I cannot lose Ayano. Not now, not ever. She will be mine, even if that means she has to be 'convinced' in my basement for a while. But it's okay, because she'll love me, and we can get married.. have kids.. Taro!? What are you thinking!? What's happening to me?

Yandere Youth [Ayano x Taro x Budo]Where stories live. Discover now