Chapter 4 // Investigation

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Taro's POV
This is ridiculous. How the fuck am I supposed to compete with Budo? Sure, a lot of girls tell me I'm cute or whatever, but those girls are irrelevant. Only Ayano matters. And whether I am or am not cute, it's irrelevant. Budo is considered sexy by the girls at our school. Cute can't compete with sexy, right?
That's why I'm doing the right thing. I have to kill Budo. For the sake of me and Ayano's future, I have to make sacrifices. Besides, he started it - so I'm gonna finish it. I can't help but wonder what Ayano could possibly want from Info-Chan. It was probably about the pantyshots. I need a plan..

Budo's POV
"Good evening Ayano." I smiled
"Why are you stalking me?"
"Stalking you? I just wanted to talk."
"You beat up Taro." she snapped
"And I assume he told you that, yes?"
"Y-Yes, why?"
"Don't you think it's a little biased that you aren't even hearing my side of the story?" I raised my voice a little, "I'm sorry.. I didn't mean to shout, I'm just sick of him always doing this." I sighed
"What do you mean?"
"He can never just take responsibility when he does something wrong. He attacked me first, I just tried to defend myself. He's not as weak as he looks."
"He would have no reason to attack you first, goodbye Budo." she tried to walk off
"Wait!" I grabbed her hand gently to stop her.

Ayano's POV
"Wait!" he took my hand. What is this feeling? I've only ever had this feeling towards Taro.. so why is this happening now? My heart started racing and it's like my vision completely changed to a pinkish romantic world. I looked down at our hands and slowly moved my fingers around so that I was holding his hand. Did I.. have feelings for Budo too?
"W-What is it Budo?" I said in a more calm tone of voice.
"I.. uhh.."
"C-Can we do this later? I n-need to do some h-homework."
"Of course, yeah!" he blushed a bright red
"I'll text you tonight. See ya~"
"B-Bye Ayano.."
I walked off and tried to comprehend what just happened. I never had any feelings towards Budo before.. but when he grabbed my hand.. something inside me changed. It was like when Taro offered me his hand the day we met.. I never even knew who he was before..
Whatever, maybe I have some weird hand fetish or some shit. Besides, Taro is my only senpai, it would be unethical to fall for one of my best friends too. I started gathering up all my things when I heard some panting, Taro.
"Hey.. I.. couldn't.. leave you.. so.. I ran around.. the entire school.. to find you.." he said, gasping for air.
"You're cute." I laughed. I definitely still had feelings for my Senpai. He still made my heart flutter when I saw him.. ahh he's so pretty.. I love him. I LOVE him, NOBODY loves him like I love him~
So, what was that with Budo? Did I just zone out thinking about Taro's soft hands against mine? It must've been. There was NO WAY I liked Budo.
"You're.. cuter." he finished. Ohhh Senpai.
"Need a breather, tough guy?" I smiled, sitting on the floor.
"Yes please." he sat next to me
"Taro.. can I.. can I ask you something?"
"Sure, anything." he smiled
"You and Budo.. you were like best friends, what happened?"
"He wants to take you from me."
"Uh.. ahem, like, he wants to kill us. He wants me dead and who knows who's next."
"I guess you're right.. but are you SURE it wasn't some kind of misunderstanding? The red could've just been paint or something."
"I know what I saw Ayano."
"Okay. I trust you."
"Excuse me you two, we're holding an investigation and nobody is allowed to leave until we're done. Can you two go back to your classes?" an officer approached us.
"Uh, sure."
Taro took me to my class, and my teacher let him come in too. Apparently it didn't matter which class we were in - as long as they could register us while we waited.
"Do you think this is about-"
"Yeah, I do."
"I'm scared."
"Me too Aya. Me too." he held my hand and comforted me.
If Budo got arrested.. If I lost my Senpai, I'd be heartbroken, but assuming what Info-Chan told me earlier was true, what happens when your Kohai is a yandere too?
"Ayano.. do you know Info-Chan?"
"I know of her, why?"
"So you've never had her help on anything?"
"I'm not gonna think badly of you or anything, I'm just curious. You don't have to answer."
"I mean, yeah I've talked to her before, why though?"
"She said something about customer confidentiality, I was just confused that's all." he smiled
"Customer con- Taro, what were you talking to her about?"

Taro's POV
I am such a fucking idiot.
Literally just dropped myself in it.
"Oh.. uh.. I was trying to get her to delete your pantyshot.." I lied
"Taro, you're so sweet!" she hugged me. Nailed it.
"I felt guilty." and protective..
"And.. to be honest.. I have talked to Info-Chan before. I.. I wanted to know if my Senpai had a crush.." she blushed
"W-Who's your Senpai?" I asked nervously
"I c-can't say.. sorry."
"It's okay! You don't have to answer! I was just curious." I smiled awkwardly
"It's fine.." she laughed
"Do either of you know what's going on?" Budo approached us calmly
"Piss off Budo." I said angrily
"I don't want to fight, Taro. I was just defending myself."
"Lets just not talk about this, okay? We don't really know what's going on Budo." Ayano tried to break the tension
"Nobody is telling us anything. It sounds serious." Budo added
"Everyone pay attention!" Sensei shouted
"We have arrested a student on suspicion of murder after finding very incriminating evidence relating to him. I'm sure you'll be able to work out who when he doesn't show up for school tomorrow. You may all leave now, we're just cleaning up after the investigation." the police officer announced. That means Budo is innocent.. shit..
"Budo.. I'm so-"
"It's fine. You just wanted to make sure Ayano was safe. It was an honest mistake, I'm not going to hold anything against you." he smiled, placing his hand on Ayano. He's.. touching.. my Ayano..

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