Chapter 8 // Texts

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Well, Budo seems fine with it! Now I just need to get Taro to agree to it

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Well, Budo seems fine with it! Now I just need to get Taro to agree to it. He might be a little harder to convince since he doesn't want to share, but I'm sure he'll come around to it.
I think this way is best for all of us for now. They both get to share me, so they won't be trying to stab each other and continue to be friends, while I get to work out which guy I want to be with for the rest of my life.
Taro texted me, but the way the conversation went - it didn't feel appropriate to bring it up. It seemed a little too serious.

 It seemed a little too serious

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God that was awkward.. but then again, so was earlier in real life.. he was out of order. I wanted to believe that Taro didn't attack Budo earlier, but after this evening I really do believe that Budo was defending himself.
I'm confused. When Budo uses violence like me, I find it extremely attractive. However, when Taro uses it... I'm not so sure. I guess it's because Budo has always done martial arts, so I'm used to it. When me and Taro first met, he was such an innocent and delicate guy, now I don't know what to think.
I checked my phone one more time and saw that I had a few missed calls from both of the guys. I called back Taro first and he picked up almost instantly.
"Hey Taro."
"Good evening Ayano! Did you enjoy your meal?" he asked enthusiastically
"Yeah. It was good. You sound happy?"
"To be honest.. I thought you were ignoring me.. I'm just glad to be talking to you again." he laughed
"I've just been thinking, that's all. How do you feel about an open relationship?"
"That's a little random.. what do you mean?"
"So, I can go on dates or kiss or whatever with either you or Budo and neither of you can get mad. That way I can see who I'm better suited with."
"And Budo agreed to this?" he asked
"This is really what you want?"
"Uh.." he sighed, "Okay."
"You don't have to if you don't want to, it just seems like the best option."
"If it's what you want then it's fine with me.. just.. will you pick one of us?"
"Of course, when I'm ready and I know who's better for me! Just for now.."
"Alright. Are you busy tomorrow?" he changed the subject
"Unfortunately, yes. I have a shit ton of homework to do." I sighed
"How about Sunday?"
"I think I'm free Sunday.."
"Great! I found this new cafe in the town that you'd love. It's really oriental!"
"Uh, what time are you thinking? I promised Shin I'd help babysit." I checked my 'to do' planner
"What time are you babysitting?" he asked
"10am until 3pm."
"Then I'll give you a few hours to relax and we can go at 6pm?" he suggested
"Sounds like a plan." I smiled to myself
"I can't believe this is finally happening." he said in a cheerful tone of voice.
"I know Taro." I laughed, "Just remember that I'm with Budo too. No jealousy."
"I knowww.." he groaned, "For now."
"I'm getting kinda tired. We should call it a night." I yawned
"Me too. I'll see you Sunday."
"Can't wait."
"I love you Ayano."
"I love you too." I hung up the phone. A date with Senpai.. Oh wait.. we barely organised it. Oh well, we can do it later.
I once again scrolled through my contacts - Budo. He answered quickly, but not as fast as Taro.
"Good night Budo, sorry I missed your call."
"Hey. It's okay. Aren't you tired?" he said in a raspy tired voice. *nosebleed*
"Yeah, but I wanted to talk to you." I started getting comfy in bed
"Your health is more important than me." he said
"Your voice could read me a bed time story." I sighed happily, not fully realising what I'd just said
"If that's what you want." I could hear him getting into bed too
"Shit, did I say that out loud?"
"You're so adorable." he laughed
"I wish I could see you."
"Then I'll come see you tomorrow." he announced
"As much as I want that, I have way too much homework to do, and you're very.. distracting."
"Helping Shin Babysit then going on a date with Taro. I don't know when I'll be home, but I have to leave super early." I groaned
"Damn. We can make something work."
"We'll see."
"Ayano, you should really get some rest.. but.. don't hang up the call okay?"
"Why?" I yawned
"I want to make sure that you're actually going to sleep. I know you're going to want to play on your SaikoStation, but it's not good for your health. I worry about you."
"I'm going to sleep, I promise." I sort of lied
"I don't believe you. Leave the call on."
"And if I hang up?"
"Then I'll know you're awake and keep calling you. If you don't want to do it for yourself, go to sleep for me."
"Fine fine. Goodnight Budo." I yawned
"Do you want me to be quiet?"
"Not particularly."
"Okay, goodnight Ayano."

Hi, Author-Chan here! :3
And yes, Budo and Ayano's conversation is based off of me and my best friend. Budo being me in this situation and him being Ayano. In fact, other than saying "SaikoStation" the entire section of;
"Ayano, you should really get some rest.. but.. don't hang up the call okay?"
"Why?" I yawned
"I want to make sure that you're actually going to sleep. I know you're going to want to play on your SaikoStation, but it's not good for your health. I worry about you."
"I'm going to sleep, I promise." I sort of lied
"I don't believe you. Leave the call on."
"And if I hang up?"
"Then I'll know you're awake and keep calling you. If you don't want to do it for yourself, go to sleep for me."
"Fine fine. Goodnight Budo." I yawned
"Do you want me to be quiet?"
"Not particularly."
"Okay, goodnight Ayano."
Is actually the exact conversation we had last night. I know this is going to sound really hypocritical from a girl that spends her nights writing wattpad chapters, but sleep is super important and you should always get as much of it as possible. It scares me that he admitted that was the longest sleep he's had in a long time - and it was only about 8/9 hours. Needless to say I'll be making sure he's going to sleep properly every night now. So look, don't be an "Ayano." be the best god damn "Budo" you can be xD

Okay, lecture over.
Aishiteru <3

Yandere Youth [Ayano x Taro x Budo]Where stories live. Discover now