Chapter 6 // Different

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Ayano's POV
"O..Okay.." he breathed, pulling away, "I should.. really get going now."
"But Budo.."
"Don't tempt me. I don't want this to progress any further until you've decided who you want." he kissed me on the forehead and began walking to the door
"Goodbye Budo."
"Goodbye Ayano."
I shut the door behind him and sighed. This is going to be so difficult. They're so different, and so perfect in their own ways. Budo gave me such a rush of energy, I felt like I could do anything with him by my side. Taro was so cute and I felt like I could protect him as if he were a huggable teddy bear. And with both of them? With both of them I could be anywhere with them, and it wouldn't matter. As long as we were there together.

- Knock Knock -

"I'm coming." I went to the door and was surprised to see Taro standing with a single rose in hand. "Taro?"
"Do you want to come in? It's cold outside." I asked
"Yeah, okay." I let him in and closed the door to keep the cold out. We both sat down at the sofa and spent what felt like an eternity in silence before Taro finally spoke.
"I love you."
"I love you Ayano."
"Y-You do?"
"I really do. I can't even express it enough. I wish there was more to say but I just can't sum up to you how much I love you in words alone."
"I-I've wanted to hear that for so long.."
"And now that you have?" he moved closer to me
"I.. I do love you.. but.."
"Budo? You love him too?"
"Y-Yeah." I sighed
"God I hate him." he clenched his fists angrily
"Don't hate him because of me, you're best friends." I put my hand on his and rested my head on his shoulder.
"He's been trying to steal you from me for months. Every time he looks at you I just want to stab him." he wrapped his arm around me, "But I know that we're one in the same. Neither of us could hurt a fly." he laughed
"That's.. not totally true though, is it?"
"How so?"
"You and Budo fought."
"But you'd never hurt anyone."
"Okaaaay, maybe you would. But within good reason, right?"
"No comment."
"I find that hard to believe. Anyway, come here." he pulled me closer with his arm wrapped around me. This is what I had wanted all along, right? Just to be able to cuddle and express my emotions to my Senpai who I would do anyth-

- Knock Knock -

Oh for fucks sake. I got up and opened the door. I was greeted by Budo planting his lips onto mine quickly and smiling.
"Hey, I forgot my ja- what's HE doing here?" Budo noticed Taro
"I could ask you the same thing earlier. You have no right to kiss my-"
"Your WHAT? Because last time I checked, Ayano belongs to nobody. She isn't just a trophy y'know." Budo crossed his arms
"Then why do you treat her like a ten year olds pillow?"
"Oo clever! Just because I want to express how passionate I am towards a girl who should be treated like a princess."
"Guys.." I tried to interrupt
"Well I don't know what fairytales you've been reading, but that is no way to treat MY princess." Taro stood up
"She isn't YOUR anything." Budo stepped closer
"Nor is she YOUR anything dickweed."
"Who do you think you're talking to ass-hat?"
"Nobody special fuck-face." they both approached eachother and clenched their fists
"Hilarious. I'm not going to hurt you Taro. So release your pillow punching fists and go home."
"Oh sure, like you didn't hurt me in class earlier." Taro stepped even closer. Shit was about to go down
"Step. The fuck. Back."
"Or what? You gonna hurt me big boy?" he said sarcastically
"You think you two are perfect because you can both kill someone? Fight me and see what I'm willing to do."
"T-Taro what are you-"
"Info-Chan already told me. All 3 of us are Yanderes. Which makes a pretty interesting love triangle, does it not?"
"I think you ought to leave Taro." Budo said in a slightly calmer tone of voice
"Scared you're going to lose?"
"No. I know for a fact I could beat your ass into a pulp, which is why I'm telling you to leave. Ayano doesn't want me to hurt you, so I wont. Now leave."
"Fine. Good evening Ayano." Taro kissed me sweetly and let himself out
"Thank you Budo.."
"You come before anything else. Even if I do want to throw him in a meat grinder, you asked me not to, so I wont."
"I don't know what to do.. I feel so trapped. I decide one of you, then the other appears. Then I decide them, then the other one comes back again.. I'm scared that you're going to end up hospitalising or killing eachother." I sighed
"How about this, you can do whatever you want with either of us at any time, and it's fine, until you decide."
"So you're suggesting that I keep you two as friends with benefits?"
"You could put it that way. We've practically been that anyway, just not the benefits you're thinking of."
"A blood stain left on the floor, mopped. A weapon you forgot to incinerate, gone. You forgot to activate the incinerator once, burned. Left your bloody clothes in the locker room, nowhere to be found."
"You did all that?"
"Well I wasn't going to let you go to jail, was I?"
"So you risked yourself?" I asked
"Of course, you're way more important than I am." he smiled
"God you're cute."
"Isn't that supposed to be Taro?"
"Yeah but.. Oh shut up." I face palmed
"Ayano.. do you believe in the myth about the cherry tree behind the school?"

Yandere Youth [Ayano x Taro x Budo]Where stories live. Discover now