Chapter 11 // Date

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Me and Taro sat down at our table and I immediately felt underdressed. I was in a little black dress, but that didn't make me feel any more fancy than anyone here.
"Hey, don't be nervous, okay?" he put his hand on mine.
"Everyone here is so classy.."
"I don't care about anyone else." he smiled, "You look beautiful as always~"
"Thanks.. cultured asshole."
"Lowerclass peasant." he laughed.

Taro began to smile as he heard the classical music switch songs.
"Beethoven. Ah his music is so-"
"Boring." I finished off his sentence, "You're boosting the ego of a dead guy."
"You're adorable." he laughed.

My attention was grabbed when I saw a familiar face appear at our table in a rather fancy suit. He coughed in surprise to see us too.

"Good afternoon." he smiled, still acting professional.
"And to you too." Taro responded.
"Yo Budo!" I perked up, "What's with the fancy get up?"
"You are so uncultured." Taro laughed and shook his head.
"I'll be your waiter this afternoon."
"Dude you can stop the act."
"I'm not here to be friendly nor flirtatious. This is your meal with Taro. Not with me, ma'am. I seem to recall you booking for a later venue?"
"I finished babysitting early and had nothing to do to be honest."
"I see. Have you decided on your drinks?"
"Do you have lemonade or some shit that's drinkable?" I looked at the menu.
"We have lemon water?"
"Eh. Tap water?"
"Distilled water?"
"I'm dying here." I tried not to laugh. "By jove, my good sir! Is there a possibility of ordering your finest filtered, distilled water with an alkalic PH. Scale of hmm.. say.. 10?"
"Yes madam, why of course." he smirked. "Anything for a cultured lady like yourself." he kissed my hand. "Yo bitch boy, what do you want?" he turned to Taro.
"I'm joking." he laughed, "What would you like?"
"I would also like some distilled water, please."
"Alright beauty and the beast, I'll be back with your drinks momentarily. I can then take your orders for food. Thank you for your patience." he bowed. "See you later babe." he whispered to me.


After the meal, me and Taro left with very full and satisfied stomachs. The meal was delicious don't get me wrong, but over all it was pretty boring.
"You hated that, didn't you?"
"You seemed at your most happy when Budo was around. The rest of the time you were bored shitless. I could tell."
"Look it's not you, it's just that that is not me." I pointed to the restaurant. "The fancy ass music, the cultured shit - not me. When Budo came over it was like a breath of polluted, peasant air. That's why I was happier when he arrived. It's not that I don't love you, it's just that I am not Lady Ayano of Buraza. Nor will I ever be."
"I'm sorry." he sighed, "I just thought you'd like it."
"Stick to the baby sitting."
"It was fun." I sat down on a bench.
"Aren't you coming?"
"Nah. I wanna spend some time alone if that's okay."
"Alright. I'm sorry Ayano." he kissed me, "Have a good evening, mkay? I'm always a text away."
"You too."

What was I supposed to do? I had more fun with Budo while on a date with Taro... Yikes.

"Hey." someone sat next to me, "You okay?"
"I don't know."
"You looked like you had fun." he smiled, "How was it?"
"I only had fun when you were around." I sighed, "It was boring."
"Oh really? Whenever I came over you seemed so happy."
"I was! Happy to see you!"
"I'm sorry you didn't have such a good time. Maybe you should suggest a place for Taro next time. He's an upperclass jerk so he doesn't exactly know many options."
"Hey, Budo? When did you start working there?"
"Like a year ago. I've been working a lot of overtime lately so I could save up some money. I wasn't supposed to be working this evening when you are Taro were supposed to be here. I didn't really tell anyone because it's embarrassing."
"You look cute." I tightened his tie.
"Heh, thanks." he kissed me on the cheek. "Where's loverboy?"
"I wanted some alone time."
"Oh I'm sorry, I can leave if you-"
"Please don't." I leaned on his shoulder.
"I guess since he's not here I can finally talk more freely." he wrapped his arm around me, "You get more beautiful every time I see you. And honestly that dress.. Jesus you're trying to give me a heart attack, damn."
"You're funny."
"I'm serious, I was dying there. All I could think about was- uh- was.. I won't go into details."
"Master Budo~" I whispered in his ear.
"Oooooooh you are evil ma'am." he turned red.
"Stop it! No! Bad girl!"
"I can be a bad girl~" I tried not to laugh.
"Aya not in public! Sheesh! I'm a man with manly problems which you are giving me." he looked away from me.
"Thank god for waist aprons."
"Is that your notepad or are you happy to see me?"
"Which is tighter? My chest right now or your dress?"
"My house?"
"Your house."


"You have to stop doing that." he buttoned his shirt back up.
"You love it."
"Not the point. I don't want to seem like I'm using you for... pleasure."
"I know you aren't."
"Good." he kissed me on the forehead, "I love you."
"I love you too."
"I wasn't going to give you this yet but.." he gave me a little box, "I'm not good at surprises." he smiled.
"Oh Budo you didn't have to." I opened it up to see a beautiful bracelet with a diamond encrusted infinity loop charm attached to it.
"It's a infinity sign because no matter what, I'll always be here for you and I'll always love you. Even if you choose Taro." he put the bracelet on me, "Now I can add a charm each time something important happens so you don't forget it."
"Budo.." I smiled sadly as a tear dribbled down my face.
"Hey are you okay?" he dried my eyes.
"Come here you big stupid." I hugged him tightly.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2017 ⏰

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