Chapter 3 // At War

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Before I was acting, but now I was genuinely concerned. There was another one of me..
"T-Taro.. what if they saw us?.." I grabbed onto his arm
"Then I'll protect you." he picked up a pair of scissors from the shelf
"And as much as I'd love to see that.. give me the scissors." I smirked
"Really? You wouldn't hurt a fly." he gave me them
"Oh yeah? I just happen to be trained in self defence actually.." I started spinning the scissors around my finger confidently
"Okay, okay. I guess that makes me the damsel in distress." he laughed nervously, interlocking his fingers with mine.
"It should be safe to come out now Senpai.." I hid the scissors in the back of my skirt.
"Stay close to me." he opened the door, still holding onto my hand. We walked to Taro's locker, and the floor definitely seemed wet. Someone had just been killed. We got everything ready for our next lessons and he walked me to class again.
"If you need anything, you know where to find me." he hugged me really quickly before smiling and going upstairs.
I made a little tune up in class, to fight the boredom while I waited for Senpai.

'Osana was the first one, I decided to play nice.
Now we all chat on the rooftop while Senpai feeds me rice.
Amai was number two, yes that one was quite a pain.
I had to kill some random so that she could take the blame.
At number 3 Kizana stood as quite an evil bitch.
Good thing I had a shovel, now she's laying in a ditch.
Asu Rito, always asking Senpai to go for a swim,
Poor Asu, such a shame - I heard that drowning's really grim.
Little Oka Ruto, I thought she was kinda swell,
I let her live but don't get me wrong, once dead she'll burn in hell.
Oh the pink haired ditsy nurse, wasn't she a cutie?
She tried to impress Senpai with her big, big Kim K booty!
These rivals want my Senpai, but I want him way MORE, and ANY girl that gets in my way will end up dead, of that you can be sure!'


"Class dismissed. Ayano, please come see me quickly." Oh COME ON
"You're friends with Taro Yamada and Budo Masuta, right?"
"Yes miss, is everything okay?" I asked a little worried
"They got into a little fight earlier."
"Are they okay?" I was purely panic stricken at this point
"They're both just a little bruised. Budo's in the guidance counsellor's office at the moment, so they could be cared for separately. I thought you should know."
"And where's Taro?"
"He's in the nurses office."
"Okay, thank you very much for telling me Fuka-Sensei." I rushed off downstairs. I know how strong Budo is, so I was most concerned about Taro. I ran into the infirmary and hugged him gently as to not hurt him.
"I was so worried." I sighed from relief that he was okay, "God, don't do that to me."
"Sorry Ayano." he squeezed me softly
"What happened?" I asked, still not letting go of him.
"Well, y'know what I saw earlier? I was talking to Budo in class when I saw a strange, dry, red stain on his blazer. It looked like he was trying to clean it off."
"You don't think.."
"I do. That's why I confronted him."
"You confronted BUDO? God, you're so brave.." I sighed lovingly, making him blush. Oops.
"Brave or stupid?" he smiled, moving up so I could sit next to him.
"Stupidly brave."
"Does this mean Budo's the murderer?" he took my hand and interlocked his fingers with mine. I'm never washing this hand again.
"N-Not necessarily.. we never saw a body, just a red liquid. But please be careful, I don't know what I'd do if something bad happened to you."
"I'm not that great." he smiled
"You have no idea." I sighed
"Don't panic, but he's watching us. Just stay calm okay." he whispered in my ear. It's hard not to stay calm when Senpai whispers in your ear..
"Where is he?" I whispered back
"Bottom of the stairs, peering around the corner."
"Okay. There's a weapon next to me just incase."
"Ayano, I want you to leave. Please."
"Why? I thought we were having a good time.."
"We are, I just don't want him to hurt you. It's me he wants, not you. I'll text you later, I promise." he kissed me on the cheek. I swear, I'm going to cry.
"O-O-Okay.." I said in a flustered voice, probably blushing like a maniac.
"You're funny." he laughed, hugging me.
"It's like you want me to explode.."
"Now, go home Ayano. I'll talk later."
"Goodbye Senpai.." I walked off in the direction that Budo wasn't.

Taro's POV
I've had enough of Budo. For weeks now he's gone after her, despite knowing how I feel. I won't let him take Ayano from me, not now and not ever. I was suspicious of him ever since he invited her to the martial arts club, and it all went downhill from there.
I know what I saw earlier. I need to prove to Ayano that Budo can't be trusted. And there's only one person that can help me.
Taro: I need your help.
Info-Chan: Ah, Taro! I've been expecting you to message me for a long time now^^
Taro: You have..?
Info-Chan: I see the jealous look on your face every time Budo's with Ayano. So, whatcha need help with?~
Taro: First of all, delete Ayano's panty shot NOW. And second, I need to get Budo out of the way.
Info-Chan: Budo's pretty persistent, you know, there's only one way to get rid of someone like him.
Taro: I know what I have to do, I'm not stupid. Just help me.
Info-Chan: First of all, you left Ayano alone on confession day. Was that a smart move?
Taro: Shit. I'll go find her in a sec.
Info-Chan: My oh my! This'll be fun. Hey, you know Ayano would love for her crush to confess under that tree behind school.
Taro: Her CRUSH!? Who is he?
Info-Chan: I wish I could tell you, but haven't you ever heard of customer confidentiality?
Taro: Huh? What would a sweet girl like Ayano want from you?
Info-Chan: Confidentiality, remember? Anyway, you wanted to know her crush?
Taro: DUH. If it's Budo I swear to fucking god
Info-Chan: Ever been in a love triangle sweetie?
Taro: That doesn't help
Info-Chan: She either likes you, or Budo. You need to work that out yourself.
Taro: He's going down. I'm going to find Ayano, talk later.
Info-Chan: Good luck.

Yandere Youth [Ayano x Taro x Budo]Where stories live. Discover now