Chapter 2 // Fake Pantyshots

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Taro's POV
Me and Ayano sat on the floor opposite the bench which Osana, Musume and Hayato were sat on. Luckily, Budo wasn't there to cockblock.
"Is Budo coming?" Osana asked
"Maybe, maybe not." I answered. I looked over to Ayano who was staring at Hayato with a very confused look. Hayato was sat with his legs up against the walk, upside down, "He does that all the time." I whispered in her ear
"Oh." she said taking a piece of sushi from my bento
"Hey guys, I'm here!" Budo panted
"Oh, hey Suta!" Hayato said
"Hey bro." I smiled, hiding my anger
"Hi Budo." Ayano finished her bite
"I left Mina in charge of the martial arts club. She'll probably take over when I leave for college, but who knows? Ayano's pretty strong too."
"Thanks." she smiled. Is he out of his fucking mind? We talked about this! I shot Budo an annoyed look so he put his hands up in a surrendering pose and sat between Musume and Osana. Ayano looked at us both confused, so I just smiled innocently
"Anyway, Hayato, you talked to Mina yet?"

Ayano's POV
Mina? Should I have eliminated her?
"Not yet. I don't really know what to say."
"He has a crush on her." Taro explained to me
"Oh, well, I can help!" I suggested
"You can?" Hayato finally sat normally
"Sure! I love love, and I'd be more than happy to help. Me and Mina are good friends so it should be easy." I smiled
"You'd do that?" he asked seriously
"Sure! But I might need a little help."
"I'll help!" Taro said quickly
"Me too!" Budo raised his hand, and Taro looked super mad. What is going on with my Senpai?
"I'm sure we can suffice alone Budo." Time alone with my Senpai? I'll be nervous but.. it's worth it. I ate another piece of sushi from Taro's bento
"Ayano?" everyone looked at me as Budo asked
"Hm?" I said with food still in my mouth
"Do you need my help?" Budo repeated
"Uh, I don't think so. But if we need anything then you'll be the first person I go to, mkay?" Taro looked genuinely relieved. I'm so confused..
"So, when do we start?" Taro asked
"After school. I'll tell her to go to the east fountain, meet her there and talk."
"About what? I don't know what to say!" Hayato panicked
"Well, maybe I can find something to communicate to you with.. like..."
"An earpiece!" Taro chimed in
"Where would I even get a.. wait.."
"I know it's risky to associate with her.. but.. Info-Chan is the person we need right now." Taro said finishing the last of his food
"Well, we could head to the info club quickly now." I said
"Okay. Lets go." Taro put out his hand to help me up. I took his hand and turned redder than the blood of Kizana. I got up and we began walking downstairs. We got to a familiar looking room with closed curtains, so I lightly tapped on the door.
"Info-Chan? It's Ayano Aishi. I'm here with-"
"You don't need to tell me. I have CCTV on you." a seemingly auto-tuned voice said from a speaker
"Oh. Right."
"What brings you here?"
"We need an earpiece and a microphone."
"One panty shot."
"I don't have any, that's so weird." I said disgusted
"I never said specifically who it has to be of. It could be yours."
"Oh come on, don't make her do that." Taro stood up for me
"These things don't come cheap y'know. I'm doing you a favour."
"Fine. Taro, wait here." I stormed off to the girls bathroom. She knew full well I had panty shots, she just wanted to embarrass me in front of my Senpai. Grr. I got out my phone and sent her a picture of Mai Waifu's panties.
"You don't have to do it Yan-Chan. I'll just buy one."
"Too late." I walked out, passing him with my distinct blush
"Oh Ayano."
"It's fine. Nobody's gonna buy that shit anyways, right?"
"Not unless they're a total pervert, but trust me, I wouldn't let them get that crap."
"Thank you Senpai." I smiled walking back to the room. There was a headset and earpiece on the ground. I carefully picked them up as to not break either items, then we returned to the rooftop and gave Hayato the earpiece.
"Oh, thank you!"
"You're welcome." I winked
"Anyway, I'm gonna head to my locker, Ayano?" he asked if i would accompany him
"Sure." I trailed after him
When we got down the the bottom floor, I was shocked to find that Taro had grabbed my hand - pulling me into a closet and locking the door.
"Did you see that!?" he whisper-shouted
"No, you pulled me away. What did you see?"
"You're going to think I'm insane, but I swear I just saw someone mopping blood."
"Are you sure it wasn't just red paint or juice?"
"I'm sure Ayano. That was most definitely blood." he held onto my hand nervously.. oh senpai. What a pussy.
(Sorry I had to xD)
"Okay well.. did you see who it was?"
"No. I was more concerned about protecting you." he was? Awwwwww! Well.. Kizana isn't the only one with acting skills...
"T-Taro.. I'm scared.." I moved closer to him
"They can't hurt you while I'm here." he hugged me tightly. Yep, I'm definitely an actress.
"You're s-so brave S-Senpai."
"Anything for you." he continued to embrace me until.. wait a minute.. anything for me?
"F-For me?" This time the stutter wasn't me acting
"I-I mean.. uhh.. that sounded super creepy, huh."
"No.. I mean.. yeah.. but like.. adorable." I giggled, making him blush. Wait a minute.. I was being distracted by Senpai, but now that I think about it.. who was mopping up the blood? That's my job! And if it wasn't me then.. who was it?

Yandere Youth [Ayano x Taro x Budo]Where stories live. Discover now