Chapter 7 // Reminiscing

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"Yeah.. I do. At least I hope it's true  anyway, it's kinda what I was banking on the entire time.." I sat down
"If I confessed under that tree, would you be mine forever?" he sat down and wrapped his arm around me
"You know it's more complicated than that Budo."
"I know, but I can dream, right?" he moved closer to cuddle with me.
"Maybe one day Budo."
"Do you remember the first time we met? It's my second favourite memory."
"What's your first?"
"Kissing you."
"What was so good about us meeting anyway? It could've gone better."
"Are you kidding me? I remember it like it was yesterday.."

- Budo's Flashback -
"Yeah, I'll see you later in class Osana." I smiled
"Bye Budo! See you after my guidance interview!"
As I began walking to my class I looked at my watch. 'Oh shit! I'm almost late!' I started running up the stairs with my stuff and it seemed that I wouldn't have to push past others. Everyone was probably in class by now.. but I couldn't give up my perfect record! I had to get there on time! My running turned into sprinting and I was soon leaping up 3 stairs at a time. 'Almost.. the-"
"Oh.. uh.. hi.." I released that I was laying flat on top of the girl I had just bumped into, just inches away from her face. I had landed in a way that had prevented me from totally crushing her, but it was still a rather.. "inappropriate" position.
"I'm so sorry! I should have been watching where I was going!" I apologised
"It's fine.. it was an accident."
"Uh.. I'm Budo.. Budo Masuta.." I blushed
"Ayano Aishi, it's nice to meet you Masuta-Kun."
"Nice to meet you too. You have beautiful eyes.." I smiled
"I guess you can see them up close like this?" she laughed, "Thank you. You have very nice eyes too."
I got off of her and offered her a hand, which she happily took and stood back up. I insisted on taking her to the nurse's office, she claimed she was fine, but I wanted to be sure. 'Ayano Aishi.. I won't quit until those pretty eyes of hers look at me with love. I'll make sure of it.'

- End of Budo's Flashback -

"Are you kidding? That's not what happened at all!" I laughed
"Of course it is!"
"It didn't go across that smooth Budo, I believe it went a little more like this.."

- Ayano's Flashback -
What even was the point of going to school? Life was so dull, like a black and white movie. I was just minding my own business, making my way to class when some muscular guy came running and knocked me over to the ground in a very sexual position.
"Eh?" he tried to work out what had just happened
"Watch where you're going! I think you just broke my fucking ankle!" I snapped
"I'm so sorry! I should have been watching where I was going!"
"No shit Sherlock.. urgh whatever.. it was an accident I guess, just be more careful in future." I sighed
"Uh.. I'm Budo.. Budo Masuta."
"Oh we're introducing ourselves now? Okay.. well.. I'm Ayano Aishi. I wish I could say it was nice to meet you Masuta-Kun, but we'd both know I'd be lying."
"Well, it was nice for me to meet you. You have beautiful eyes.." he gazed lovingly at me
"You're seriously flirting with me right now? Like, you want to seduce me after pancaking me? Thank you I guess? I'm assuming I'm supposed to return the compliment or some shit, social interactions aren't really my thing. I just wanted to tell you that you look lovely today. Yeah that sounds right.. anyway, can you get off of me now?"
Budo got up and offered me his hand. I took it and hoisted myself back up. I demanded for him to help me to the nurse's office and he had to carry me down the stairs since my I had hurt my ankle. He seemed to be enjoying himself. Whatever. Regardless, I guess I'd made my first ever friend.. Budo Masuta..

- End of Ayano's Flashback -

"Okay 2 things. First of all, that is totally not what happened. Second, I was your first friend?"
"Yeah. As I said earlier, social interactions weren't my strong point. So when we met.. you were special to me. You still are."
"I hope I am always special to you." he kissed me on the forehead gently, "I should head home now, before it gets too late."
"Okay.. good night Budo.. again. And don't forget your jacket this time." I laughed
"Got it." he smiled
"Text me later?"
"As you wish."
"Then goodbye."
"For now." he leaned forward and put his hand on my face, kissing me sweetly. He walked off and blew a kiss to me, before I shut the door and locked it. I love Taro.. but he was out of order tonight. Regardless of their feelings towards me, they're best friends, and they shouldn't let me come between that. I really never could have predicted that any of this would happened. If you'd have told me this would be happening 2 days ago, I would have laughed in your face...

...And probably stabbed you in the neck...

...but that's not important anymore. My top priority right now is to make a decision before one of them kills the other. Whoever I choose, it doesn't mean I don't still care about them both. Budo was my first friend, and Taro was my first love. But now.. now they're both Yanderes, just like me. I don't know whether to be strangely attracted, or concerned. But hey, why can't it be both? Urgh.. why can't it be both Taro and Budo? Because it's not- wait.. why CAN'T it!?

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