One: Let Us Begin, Yes?

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This chapter is dedicated to aninmelover123 because after I red Why Me? and Two Paths, I decided to spark back my Naruto obsession and write a fanfic. I might have a Pein love story soon aswell, so here's the 1st chapter......and thanks again animelover123!! :)

I kneel down in the corner, waiting for the impact of being kicked by these strange men, who have black cloaks with red clouds on them. 

Why have they come after me again? My father lays knocked out, a few metres away. I am sure to be dead in the next few minutes, right as a hard kick hits my leg.

They began to threaten me darkly, and one pulls out his weapon. I hear the announcement of a jutsu, but something protects me. Sand. 

The next thing I know there is sand everywhere. Gaara has rescued me again. My brother has risked his life to save me. He quickly grabs my hand and helps me up.

 He pulls me outside. Kankuro and Temari emerge from the house after us with my Father as it goes up in flames. Gaara kneels down to my level. 

It's times like this I forget that we are not really siblings. They are all full blood-related, but I only have the same father as them.

"I'll come for you Taihana," he whispers. "But you know it's not safe right now." I nod as Temari hands me a bag. Then, a darkened figure appears in the rustle of nearby bushes.

The rays of light reflect off the moon, landing on his face. He looks kind and caring. A woman appeara beside him. I hug my siblings goodbye and the man takes my hand and leads me away into the night.



"Apple juice!" I yell, sitting up in my bed. I immediately start sneezing from the dust in the room.

"Miss Miroku," the housekeeper says as she enters. I groan and roll over, wondering why I had to have that dream again.

The maid throws open my window, allowing air from the forest behind the Miroku Compound to come pouring in, as well as the sunlight. 

That dream... it took place exactly five years ago. And yet here I am today, a twelve year old. The village people here in the Leaf know me as the small girl whose Mother was from the land of wind.

It was easy for the village head Doctor (since he's my adoptive father) to say that my DNA matched the woman's. The Hokage built on the story that I was her eight year old daughter, who stood by her Mother's side as she stumbled out of the forest and died.

Hey? It was a convincing story! Now I'm known as the same thing, just add in how I'm a Ninja that's about to graduate.

"This is ridiculous! It's the middle of the day, why on Earth would you come back home from school and sleep? The sun is almost down!" Shima yells, before slamming the door.

I ignore her and begins writing in my diary.

Dear Niki-san 

Today's word is graduate. That's right, GRADUATE!! Can you believe it? I get to graduate, and then I'll be put into a group of three. I hope to end up with Hinata, as you know, my best friend.

(UNDER EDITING) Flowers can be Poisonous... (Sasuke or Shikamaru?)Where stories live. Discover now