Kiko time! ˆ-˚

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Kiko's POV

It was me, against them.

Just me.

Kiko Himajana.

Team 6's failure.

Worse skills, and worst mind on the team.

I love Jenko and Tai as friends, but I have to say this;

I'm the one with the biggest heart.

I began the correct hand signs, "Gimoshi!"

Chakra rushed to my hands, and the chakra strings came out. I hooked one onto the back of Tai's neck, and one on Jenko's.

I lifted them, and that's when my true technique came out. All of Tai and Jenko' skill's kind of ... dowloaded into my brain, so that now I know how to use them, as though they were my ... puppets.

Jenko knew more than enough water techniques.

Tai? Tai knew more than enough of many jutsus. I chanelled Gimoshi Himajana chakra into there heads, and they shot up, but their eyes glowed with a black. They were just fully and plainly black.

"Tai Gimoshi: Lighting Storm!" I yelled. Tai lifted her arm. Well, actually, Gimoshi Tai, because normal Tai is unconcious. She then dropped her arm back down as bolts of lighting rained on top of Kyrie, and hit her brutally.

That's when Yakon and Hotaru ran for me. "Jenko Gimoshi: Water wind!"

As I shouted that, Jenko put to fingers to his lips and then blew. Water formed and swayed in a wind formation. It went straight for the two, and I smirked in triumph. "Finally, we're getting somewhere," I mumbled to myself.

"Hardly," said a voice behind me. I turned to see that Kyrie was standing neatly behind me. I threw my palm that was connected to the chakra that was connected to Jenko at her, and Jenko began to fight her, whilst Tai got into a stance to fight Tai-Jutsu with Yakon, as Hotaru was still out cold.

I closed me eyes to concentrate through my Gimoshi. And then I was in my mind, sorta. It was like an empty black room, with two screens, one with Jenko's vision, the other with Tai's.

They were fighting well, as I concerntrated to control them.

What were they after?







They wouldn't be after...



I was too deep in thought to realise what was happening. I had been channelling to much chakra into this attack, and Tai and Jenko barely had any left. I had to release the technique immediately.

But that was a mistake...

Tai and Jenko were to weak to struggle, as was I. We all had to lay completely still, because we were un-able to move AT ALL.

 I looked at Tai, who stared blankly at Kyrie and Yakon. But she screamed as Hotaru did something. I couldn't see what though. When they moved away, their were veins all over Taihana's body, and they were purple.

She stared at me, blinking so slowly, that every time it seemed like she was sleeping. She was laying on her right side, facing me.

I was about 3 metre's away from her. Lone of her arms lay limp in front of her, and the other behind her back. Her fingers twitched, as she stayed silent, tears leaking from her red eyes.

She groaned as she moved her head up to see Jenko, who was as helpless as us. Hotaru and Kyire stood in his arms and he shouted in pain, because of their heeled boots.

And then I finally realised what they had done to Tai. In Yakon's hand was a needle. A MASSIVE needle. They stabbed his wrist and pushed the syringe down, so that the contents entered his blood stream. 

He let out a shrilling scream as well, and veins began to appear on his body. They were green, and they had risen from the inside of his body.

Whilst I was watching Jenko, who gritted his teeth and threw his head around, I had not noticed that Hotaru and Yakon had me pinned. Kyrie smirked in my face and leaned down very close.

"You haven't gotten anywhere yet ... babe," she whispered. And I then grimaced as she pushed her lips to mine. I don't know why, but I responded, and then I felt that immense pain just as her tongue brushed past my lip.

I screamed and headbutted her before she could take that chance to slip her tongue into my mouth. I threw Hotaru back but Yakon still had me.

"You're going to regret hurting her like that," he growled at me. Obviously they were together.

"Your going ton regret hurting my Sensei and Team," a voice growled from behind him.

Yakon turned and Tai's small frame came into my view.

And boy did she looked pissed, and like Fumi had almost taken over. These three are going down.



I bet you guys loved the KikoXKyrie scene!!! XD

As always, frogs and Butter!

~ MyJutsusAndMagic<3

PS:  Go check out my new Gaara love story: "Love At First Fight." And my other new Naruto story "Death and Other Wishes"

And for you Hunger Gamers, I have one of those coming out to!!! ^-^


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