Four: Ouch!

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I sigh heavily as we find out what our first mission is. "What kind of stupid person would express their rat-in-the-roof problem as a ninja mission!?" I whisper to Jenko and Kiko.

It earns me a smack in the head with a bottle by Sensei.

We walk to this person's address and knock on the door. A frail old women answers it. "Aahh; are you the sweet ninja children who have come to help me?"

I hear Kiko mumble something and he gets hit in the head. The woman tells us the details of these 'sounds' that she has heard in her roof.

She welcomes us into her house. Jenko pulls down the ladder that leads to her attic. I climb up first and pull myself up. Looking around the attic, there is a lot of junk and dust.

Then I see it. It's disgusting. I feel Jenko and Kiko come up behind me and gasp in disgust.

In the dust balls is a rat. Not just any rat, a mother rat. Why is it so gross? It's having babies! \\

"I-I'm gonna be sick," I say covering my mouth and turning my head towards Kiko. It was a big mistake to do that though. 

Kiko lets out a horrid, high pitch scream. I jump back, along with Jenko who steps on the rat's head, killing it instantly. Kiko continues to run around screaming.

He then trips by stepping into the hole we climbed through; he falls. Whatever attacked him landed at my feet. I picked it up; it has eyes like mine, blood red.

It's a bat! I grin at it. "Oh, c'mon. It's just a bat!" I yell. Kiko grumbles as Jenko almost weeps about how he has just killed a mother rat. I roll my eyes and the bat clings to my shoulder. I shrug and climb down the ladder.

"Well?" Gama says when we leave the house. He is sitting on a cloud and meditating. "A rat, a mother. New born rats, gross. The Mother's head was squished. We'll clean it up," I say.

After we dispose of the mother rat and the baby rats, I decide to keep the bat. "Hhmm, hello Aka," I smile as we followed a floating Gama to the Hokage's tower to file a mission report. 

"Aka? As in red?" Jenko asks. I nod.

"You may fly free," Gama calls to us over his shoulder.

"Want to go and get some ramen?" Kiko asks Jenko and I.

"Sure," we reply.

As three of us walk to the ramen bar, Kiko keeps glaring at Aka. "Take a picture of Aka, Kiko, it will last longer," I laugh. He looks away.

Suddenly I am hit with a strong force. I land on the ground flat on my butt. I looked up to see Shikamaru. He's looking down, fear written on his face, as though I was to hurt him.

He offers me a hand and I take it shyly.

"Where's the fire?" Kiko asks Ino, who is panting hard, Choji still running up to us.

(UNDER EDITING) Flowers can be Poisonous... (Sasuke or Shikamaru?)Where stories live. Discover now