Games and Playacting

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 Riding next to Link, you travelled back through the village and closer to the forest you had previously come from. Making small conversation started to come easier with Link as the awkward moments had passed. The quaintness of the village and the peace of the woods also seemed to help relax the both of you. Link's place was rustic and more of a tree house than an actual house on the ground, but it seemed to fit him well. Leading your horses into the stable next door, you realized just how much weight you had forced (h/n) to carry everywhere.

It could have been because of your exhaustion from traveling that made them heavier, but they felt like a hundred pounds of pure metal at the moment. (H/n) shook himself off just as you removed the saddle from his back to reveal the sweat stains wherever the leather touched.

Just as you were about to take your packs inside, short, shrill voices sounded behind you, "Link! Hey, Link!"

Link was just able to turn around before he got pounced on by a couple of small blurs, "Hey, Talo! Malo. Beth. How are you Colin?"

Before the little boy named Colin could reply the two boys jumped up and down before him in excitement, "Guess what!? They're selling a slingshot at the village shop! A slingshot!"

Being hidden behind Link, you stepped out from his shadow to get a better look at the kids. Your presence quickly brought a shy silence from the band of renegades. All except one small boy, who couldn't have been more than 7, tugged on Link's arm, "Who is she, Link?"

"Oh, Talo this is ___. She's an old friend of mine." Link introduced you.

Trying to break the ice, you smiled warmly and waved, "Hi."

The little girl named Beth waved back, "Hi..."

Clearly, Talo wasn't as shy when it came to older girls, "Golly... You're really pretty miss."

His comment made you smile even more, and you tried not to laugh, "Thank you, my young knight."

His faced beamed at him being called a knight, "You hear what she called me!? I'm a knight!" He quickly drew a makeshift wooden stick that apparently was used as a sword, "Don't worry, my princess! I'll keep you safe from those monkeys!"

"Monkeys? I didn't know there were monkeys in Faron?" You questioned.

"Oh yeah! There's a lot of 'em!" Talo said, while waving his sword around.

Malo interjected with a sour sort of face, "They always come out and play tricks on us when we aren't looking!"

"One of these days, I'm gonna show those monkeys who boss around here!" Talo had puffed out his chest at his remark, trying to look much bigger and taller than what was possible.

This time your couldn't help but chuckle a little at his actions, which plunged you into quite the unexpected playtime. Wrestling and playing 'rescue the princess' had become the highlight of the games, which always included you as the damsel in distress somehow. You noticed the one little boy named Colin never got much attention from the other kids, and tended to be the harsh end of most jokes, so you tried your best to include him. By the end of it all, you had bruises in places you never thought, along with dirt and sweaty kids climbing you like a jungle gym. In truth, it had practically drained you. After all day in the saddle, an intense playtime such as this could almost knock you out!

Link had finally noticed your stress when you had to take a break, only to be pulled back into the fray, "Ok, Ok... Time to go home. It's almost past your bedtimes."

"Bedtime? Us knights don't have bedtimes! I have to guard my princess!"

Right now, you had mastered the effects of reverse psychology or whatever it took to persuade the little boy, so you didn't hesitate when it came to defending your sleep, "Tell you what, Talo. Every knight needs to stay sharp on a quest. If you go home and get a good nights sleep, you and I will take a trip into Faron tomorrow morning. Just you and me... and you can protect me from those monkeys." It was one of those promises you were willing to make in the case of such events as tonight. You really just wanted to relax more than anything.

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