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All was quiet and serene. Birds sang amongst the amber leaves in unison with the sighs of the sky. A cold stream trickled at your feet, leaving your toes numb. A deep sigh escaped your lips as you lay in the cool grass. Autumn was finally upon you, and it was glorious! The only thing you wanted to do today was lay here and enjoy yourself. No worries. No responsibilities. Just you and the woods.

"Well, this is a pretty picture." A sudden voice behind you made you jump in your skin. Wheeling around your (e/c) eyes stared into the soul of someone you thought you'd never see again.

Ghirahim chuckled as he stared at you, "Surprised?"

You just sat there in shock, trying to form a coherent sentence, "I... I thought..."

"You'd never see me again?" He smiled and shook his head, "You should know me better by now." He placed a hand on his heart.

You asked the only reasonable question you could think of as you stood to meet him, "What are dong here?"

He shrugged, "I was in the area, and... I need something from you." He sauntered towards you casually.

Something about his presence made you tense, but it was Ghirahim... He swore to leave your people alone. He couldn't do any real harm, not without disarming you first. "Really? And what do I have that's so important?"

Pushing the white hair from his face he licked his lips, "This..." In an instant, his hand made contact with your chest, sinking into your flesh.

Normally you would have reacted better and tried to get away from him, but the sudden white hot pain stunned you. It was hard to breath, and your vision grew hazy. Before you blacked out he pulled out slowly, revealing a bright red object in his grasp. Weakness engulfed your body as you stumbled back into the creek, your head making contact with hard rocks which made the dizziness worse. A cold burn traveled through your limbs as the warmth of your blood disappeared. What was left of your red life leaked from the giant cavity in your chest and mixed with the flow of the stream. You panicked when you couldn't breath, gripping the slippery stones at your side. Ghirahim kelt behind you, taking your head and caressing it on his lap, "Shh... It's ok. Breath from your nose."

Being the only option, you did as he said and found it easier to gain air, but still felt utterly weak. Stroking your (h/c) hair, the demon lord spoke to you in hushed tones, "That's it... Keep breathing. Don't worry about the wound. It'll close up in a day or so." He sighed, "How I wish I didn't have to do this to you, ___, but... It's the only way I can get you and Link back on the hero track together. You certainly won't go on your own, and I need him to complete some things if I am to rule again..."

At his comment you tried your best to struggle against him, which wasn't much, but he pushed you back with ease, "Sh sh sh... Please don't fret, you'll only make it worse. I'm going to take care of you like I promised so long ago... My queen..." He leaned down and kissed your forehead as you stared panic driven into the once calming woods.

Your heart leapt in your chest as you woke up in a sweating jolt... or at least it felt like your heart was still there... Leaning back against the headboard with a sigh, you tried to calm yourself. You still had nightmares about the day Ghirahim showed up, and it rattled you every time. The reminder of your entrapped heart made your head spin with worry. How could you do this to Link and not say anything!? You were practically betraying him again!

Your frantic thoughts were interrupted by a faint whine from outside, "But she promised!"

"Talo, let her sleep. She'll be out before you know it. Besides, if your going off into Faron, I might as well teach you how to wield that thing."

Recognizing Link's voice, you rubbed the sleep and worry from your eyes to wobble towards the small window overlooking the front of the house. Squinting your eyes at the morning light, they adjusted to catch a view of Link trying to corral the three kids, a wooden sword in his hand as he gave Talo the basics of learning how to control the weapon. You couldn't help but smile at the sight and watch for a bit as Link showed the little boy how to hold it and what the first positions were. Talo's abounding energy could barely be contained as he began pounding on the poor scarecrow in front of him.

You chuckled lightly, your morning voice cracking a bit, "Teaching kids how to mutilate scarecrows, Link?"

Talo immediately turned at the sound of your voice, "Hey, ___! I'm just training for when we go into Faron!"

"Well you're doing great! I'll be down in a minute." You called out before turning back inside to get ready. Once you threw on some clothes and shoes, you decided to grab a small dagger, just in case.

Climbing down the ladder from your room, Link was there to greet you, "Good morning."

You yawned at the reminder, "Morning. Do you always get up this early?"

He shrugged, "Just a habit of a wrangler I guess. Goats can't heard themselves." He offered up a small satchel, "Thought you might need something before your little adventure."

Curious, you dug inside to find small parcels of wax paper containing hot rolls, cheese and a canteen of water. The gesture made you smile. You certainly weren't going to have time for breakfast before you were dragged off with Talo, but this would cure your hunger, "Thanks, Link."

He nodded as his eyes sparkled, "You're welcome. Stay safe, alright?"

"Relax. I'm just going to take him as far as Faron Spring. He can't get into too much trouble there."

"You don't know Talo." Link said as he walked you out the door.

You smiled to yourself at his behavior. When did he get all defensive? "We'll be fine! See you around noon."

"I'll be waiting."

Talo wasted no time as he grabbed your hand and dragged you off into the woods, "See ya, Link!"

The next couple hours of your life were exhausting as it normally is with children who admire you. You barely managed to eat anything in your pack before you were pulled into a game of 'save the princess.' It was actually pretty easy for you. All you had to do was perch yourself on a tall rock formation and call for help as Talo battled fierce imaginary dragons and beasts below. Occasionally you'd have to help him out if you were supposed to drown in the spring and he was going to rescue you, but all in all you made Talo's day!

Soon enough, your stomach started to rumble again as the sun beat down upon your neck. You plopped yourself down at the edge of the spring, still a little damp from your escapade underwater. Talo looked at you quizzically, "___? Why'd you stop?"

You sighed, "I don't know about my knight in shining armor, but this princess is getting a bit hungry. Want to take a break and head back to Ordon?"

Talo jumped up next to you with big brown eyes, "Aw, come on! Just a few more minutes!? Please! I didn't even get to protect you from those monkeys yet!"

You bit your lip and pondered the situation. You were really exhausted and starving, but the kid just knew how to pluck at your heartstrings. Glancing off into the woods, trying to figure out a reasonable compromise, your eyes caught a hold of some swift movement near the open cavern. A small grey primate cocked it's head as you stared at it, more surprised than anything, "Hey... Is that one of your monkeys?" You asked, pointing in the direction of the creature.

Talo's eyes grew wide, "Yeah! C'mere, you!" He began sprinting after it into the caves despite your warnings.

"Wait! Talo!" You got to your feet and went after him, getting a bit worried as he went further and further into the woods, "Talo, STOP!" You cried as he disappeared beyond a corner.

Panic gave your feet wings when you heard a shrill scream, followed by a chorus of familiar cackles. Bokoblins! Emerging out on the other side of the caves into the wood, you noticed Talo and the monkey being dragged away by the sickly beasts. Your teeth gritted in an angry frown at the sight, and you drew your dagger before chasing after them. You were so determined to get Talo back and keep him safe you didn't even notice the lingering shadow until it was too late. A skulltulla's heavy form smashed into your back, it's ciliated arms pinning you into the dirt while it sunk it's fangs into your shoulder to inject the venom. Almost immediately you began to shake and grow dizzy as a white, sticky haze enveloped your sight...

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