Chapter 5

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The song suggestion for the book is 'Holding out for a hero'

Thank you so much @candybear24 because of you I had come across this song. I mean wow. It just fits with the whole theme



Why the hell did I reject him in the first place?

If I had said yes to him when he asked me out first time , I wouldn't be rotting alone for 2 years For Fucking 2 Years!!

I am having so much fun with Justin. I thought that I can't be happy in any male's company after Xander but I was wrong. I'm laughing so much after a long time and the laugh is not forced. It is real. I am real.

I look at Justin who is telling me his childhood stories of how he used to scare his neighbours off when he was 13 while we are sitting in a restaurant and waiting for our dinner to arrive. And do you know how he did it? Let me tell you by getting out of his house , naked. Yes naked . Oh damn , i laugh so hard that my stomach hurts.

"Stop it... People are looking at us like we are jokers." I breath out between my laughs. He smirks at me and says smugly,

"I can be your Joker, you can be my Harley Quinn." and winking at me.

"Ohh... How cheesy. But so sorry I am allergic to cheese." I wave my hand off in a dismissing manner.

He sighs, heavily before replying

"Way to break a guy's heart." And makes a sad face.

I smile at him ,no doubt he is so funny and cute. He can make me laugh. But that kiss, that was something. The way, he kissed me hard and rough, the way, his body was pressed against mine. I shiver at the thought, biting my lips. Damn, you are acting like a teenage girl.

"Stop it." I look at Justin, confused. His eyes are fixed on my lips.

"Stop biting your lips", he whispers and looks into my eyes. Lust, swarming in his eyes.

"Or what? " I challenge him. I don't know why but I feel so confident around him, I want to experience all the things which I used to do.

Because you want to get yourself hurt again.

I frown at that. I can't let anybody use me, ' But what if you use him and he uses you?' . That's acceptable. I smirk at that. But why am I feeling guilty? I am not doing anything wrong.

Yes you are. Remember 'Xander.'.

But he fucking left me and never came back. That's it, I am so angry. I won't let him destroy my life anymore. I know deep down, I want him to come back but he didn't for 4 years so now why would he come back now.He can't--

"Earth to Alex!" I got cut out of my thoughts by Justin, snapping his finger in front of my eyes and looking at me with amusement.

"What were you thinking?" He asks me.

"Uh- nothing." He leans toward me from across the table, licking his lips. My eyes falls on his lips instantly.

"Maybe if you are thinking about round two of what we did back there, we can do it again. You know.." He whispers. I suck a deep breath, calming my racing heart down. Control yourself, you're a grown up woman.

After that, Justin leans back in his chair, probably knowing the effect he has on me and smirking at me.

Many men try to flirt with me , even say very dirty things but all I felt with them was, anger and I definitely had slapped some of them.

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