chapter 30

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~Xander's pov :

"So Jackson ,we have complains about you relating your business."

"And what is that? " Jackson the jackass asks me ,smugly.

"What is your business...really about? " I ask him in my serious voice. His blue eyes flicker to me then he starts playing with his index finger's ring, leaning against the chair,his brown hairs covering his forehead.

He looks just like your innocent,playful surf boy. But he is anything but that.

But he knows not to fuck with me. I am after all their King and I can kill them in just a blink of the eye.

"We sell human blood,of course those humans give us blood with their own will because we give them money. They are your regular drug addicts or other depted people who wants money.They don't know what we are, though." He shrugs his shoulders before looking up at me.

"I know what type of business you do and what type of blood you sell. " I start and he eyes me, curiously.

"I know instead of just human blood, you sell the whole human. Especially girls. What the fuck you are doing? " I growl at him while leaning forward towards him across the table.

He gulps with wide eyes and looks around him like answers will going to pop out from thin air.

"I ..No...That's not- " I cut him off.

"Listen to me now and carefully. I am not going to repeat myself . Stop what ever you are doing. Stop that business right now. You know,it is illegal and I can hang you up for this. " He nods,shakily.

"You are going to free those girls who are still captive and get those girls back who are already sold out to other vampires and free them also. I want the list of those vampires who bought those human girls. Human trafficking is not allowed , especially if they are innocent girls. "

"And I am watching your every move. This is your last warning. Am I clear? " I whisper slowly ,giving him a glare.

"Yes. " He replies but there is something in his eyes, some emotions which I know very well by myself. Panick then love then conflict swarms in his eyes. There is something or may be someone.

We discuss somethings and I attend another meeting.

I sigh before ordering my men to go with Jackson and keep their eyes on everything. They obeyed and left with him.

I look at the time. It's almost one and a half hour since Lexi and Harrison had left. Why haven't anyone contacted me yet?

I dialed Harrison's number but it goes to voicemail. I keep trying but still no answer. He never ignores my calls,I frown. Then next I call Alexandra.

Now my frown turns into panick when it says that it is switched off.

I try calling the man that stays usually with Harrison. Again no reply from him.

Something is definitely not right.I swear if anything happens to her , I will tear this world apart.

"Nicholas. " I yell as I move out of my office. He runs towards me.

"Yes boss." I shrug off my suit jacket and run outside the building heading towards my car.

" I need you to inform everyone to meet me in the warehouse in ten minutes. Go now. "

I slam my car door shut as he runs inside to do what I had told him probably sensing something is not right. He has the contacts of all the men working under me. He knows who to call.

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