Chapter 19

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A/N :

Happy new year (even though I am late but still) 🎊🎊🎉🎉

Yes I updated. :P

Just want to request something . Please No negative comments and please no spoilers!!

Meet you guys in the end and I have a news also for you guys. Meet me in a bit  😂

Happy reading xxxx


Xander POV:

I look at my love while leaning  against the doorframe of the back door.

My eyes close in pleasure when I hear her laughs as a smile curve up my lips. Nothing is more peaceful than hearing her sweet laughs,her giggles,her voice. I sigh while opening my eyes again.

I can do anything to hear her laughs. I can do anything to keep her safe ,to make her happy. But I doubt if is it possible while living with me? I question myself. I furrow my eyebrows.

I have hurt her. I know I have hurt her, really bad. After she had broken down infront of me yesterday , I wanted to do nothing but to kill myself in every possible way known to mankind. All I wanted to do was to rip my flesh out and burn my self for making her cry.

But i am too selfish to leave my love so I drop the thought of killing myself and leaving her.

After lying her down in the bed, I went to the forest and punch every tree that was in my path. I destroy everything around me but nothing could put off the fire that had burned the inside me after seeing the only person,I love so much , broken.

I had cursed everyone who had made me this, everything that make me this. The monster, the heartless monster. I wish I could bring them to life again and kill them again for the monster,they have made me.

Flashback :

"Mother! Father! " I yelled for them, desperately.

I looked around frantically. The heat, clawing at my skin. My frantic eyes, searching for my parents.

No please. Let them be alive. Please. Please.

Everything was becoming ashes infront of my eyes. My home. My home where I had grown up all my life. My place where I felt safe. The place which always gave me shelter. My heart pulled at the sight of my house.

I thought, desperately of anything that could stop these flames but I knew it was useless now. Nothing could help now.

"Mother!! Where are you?!" I shouted again. My throat choked up with tears.

"Please!" Pleaded.

I moved away as burned curtains fell from the window above . I ran upstairs. Everything was burning.
When I felt wetness on my cheeks,I touched them to finds my face stained with shining tears.

"Father! Answer me!"

Heat enters my lungs ,choking my throat. My insides were burning as heat crawls closer towards me but I wouldn't give up. Not now not until I found my parents. My parents who taught me everything. My parents who were always there for me. Now I would do anything to be there for them.

"Mother! Father! Please I'm here!"

"Answer me!! Please."

I opened room after room but only thing I found was ashes. A loud cry left my lips when I found the rooms empty with ashes. No please. Please. My whole body shook with fear. I gulped lump after lump after throwing each door.

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