Chapter 12

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I close the door after Lary and Jones and turn around to find Justin standing in front of me. From what I have remembered he was in the living room but the point is,

He is too close..

I take a deep breath in. He licks his bottom lip with his tongue while looking at me. He has a playful smirk and amusement dancing in his eyes.

"Uh- do you want something?" I ask.

"Yes" he replies while looking at my lips. Ohh.. I blush.

His smirk widen. Then it clicks my mind what he had said yesterday 'Dirty little secret'

I frown and push him back, moving toward the living room. Before i can sit on the couch ,he grabs my arm and pulls me in his chest.

His eyes bore into mine, trying to see through them.. to me.

"What happened? Did I do something wrong?" he asks.

I snatch my arm from his grasp while slumping down on the couch.

"Nothing", I snap, rolling my eyes.

"Why are you here? I did send a message to the office that I won't be at work. So?" I ask again.

He kneels down in front of me while resting his hands on my knees, rubbing circles with his thumbs. Shiver runs down my whole body.

"Yes you did. I want to check if you are ok,you have been taking off often now. You hadn't done that in 2 years. That is unnerving.. Tell me what's wrong please? " He pleads.

In his eyes all i can see is honesty. But I can't trust him but I want to tell him the whole thing going on in my life.

My phone starts ringing. I lean over the side to retrieve my phone from the coffee table, his hands still on my knees rubbing circles.

I look at the name oh Mr.Mark. I have also sent a message to him that I won't be coming today.

"Hey, how are you?"

"Yeah, I'm Fine. What about you? You wasn't here today."

"Yes I have to go somewhere. I will come tomorrow hopefully. "

"Yes yes I'll be there."

"Bye take care."

I cut the call and look up to find him already staring at me.

He leans forward to kiss me but I turn my face. He stops and puts his hand on my chin, making me look at him. He looks at me with hard face.

"Tell me what's wrong . Please." He says again with no emotion in his voice. I gaze at him with a frown. His face has taken a blank look while his eyes turns hard. There is an edge in his voice that has lowered.

And that moment I am so scared of him. He looks different.. I clench and unclench my hands.

"" he gritts out. My heart starts to thumb faster.

"I-i..y-you said yester-day that were the dir-ty lit-tle secret-t " I stutter out.

He looks at me in the eye, trying to see if I'm lying. He stares at me for few seconds before his face considerably softens. He exhales a deep breath out and puts his forehead against mine.

"I was only joking, Alex" he says softly.

"Forgive me, please" he says again.

Is he bipolar? But I'm still scared. He is not all the time jolly person.

Bloody Lips | CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now