Chapter 23

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Alexandra POV :

"Where are you,love?"

"I'll be home in a bit. " I reply and without hearing any reply ,I disconnect it .


I turn the door knob and enter my apartment. I get inside and close the door behind me before moving inside the living room to find Xander sitting on the couch flipping through the TV channels.

"What are you doing here?" I ask him before making my way into the kitchen and filling a glass with water.

I lean against the counter as I sip and look at him.

"I just want to see you. " He says , smilingly while looking at me.

To be honest ,I am not in the mood to talk to him or anyone in that matter . Because of him I lost my job and then because of Justin ,I feel terribly worst.

All I want to do is just curl in a ball in my bed and shut the world out and sleep. I feel tired emotionally and physically.

"How did it go with your boss?" He asks me.

"I lost my job, congratulations." I say sarcastically as he looks at me with a frown.

"I'm sorry for that." I snort at his words as I put the glass down and move towards the room.

Yeah sorry for that. I bet he is happy to hear that.

"What are you doing? " He call s out as i was about to close the door.

"I want to sleep. " With that I slam the door shut, hoping he gives me some time alone.

Xander POV :

I watch in distraught as she shuts me out and close the door at me. I feel hurt when I hear the sound of lock clicking.

I sigh as I throw my head back on the couch and stare at the ceiling.

I know that she needs time alone. I can see it in her blank eyes but how can I stop myself to go in and hold her against me to take away her sadness.

I fist my hands as a thought enters my mind and laughs at me that she is sad because of losing her job because of me and also because of that guy she was aquintance with . Why is he even matters to her?

Yes I know about whoever that mutt is, Justin. And I am also aware of the things they had done behind my back.

Okay. Scratch that.

Infront of my face. Because she hadn't know, it was me playing with her. I regret my doing knowing the fact that maybe it was because of me she had gone to that guy to comfort her.

All my fucking fault, I thought angrily as I punch the couch in desperation.

I lean forward and put my head in my hands. I hadn't know they would going to meet today. I have something else plan in m head to get that guy out of my way with my love.

That day,my anger had turned to extreme level when I saw him touching her on her couch and then she left, went to that cat girl to escape me.

Wrong move she had made. That day always leave a bitter taste in my mouth and make my sick mind,more sick.

I have been planning on showing that guy what will happen when someone touches, what is mine. When someone looks or even think about her.

But now, I think with a smirk ,it is fine that it turns out this way now I don't have to do anything knowing the fact that he has gone out of the picture himself.

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