Chapter 9

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That's it.

I'm going to have a heart attack.

The words keep echoing in my head.

I close my eyes shut tightly. Not daring to open it. He is watching me. What am I going to do? Officers are outside.

If I run to the door, will he be able to catch me before I even make it there? What will he do after he catches me? I am not going to think about the episodes I have watched of 'Criminal Minds' no I'm not going to think about it.

Fear slowly crept over me, penetrating from my heart , spreading all over my body leaving a shaking trail in its path.

I am shaking.

Slowly and very slowly, my heart starts to sink in. My throat closing up. I fist my hands to stop shaking. It feels hard to breathe now. My mind starts to shut down.

Then suddenly, i feel breath on my left side of my neck. Someone's breath is trickling over my skin. I try to comprehend what is happening. But when it dawns on me what is happening, my heart drops to my stomach.

That someone is breathing down my shoulder.

That is my last straw.

I scream.

I scream so loud that I think my throat is going to split up and I am going to become deaf. I put my hands over my ears, chanting same words again and again through my sobbing.

"Please leave me . "

"Please leave me alone."

I feel someone's hands on my wrists and I scream again, thrashing around.


The hands leave my wrists suddenly as my skin burns, then I hear voice,

"Calm down ma'am. Calm down.. It's just us the patrol officers.."

"Calm down ma'am "

"Ohh call Lary and Jones .."

I don't know how long it has been when my sobbing had ceased.

I look up to find Lary' s face in my blurry vision. I jump at her and hug her in a bone crushing hug.

"He was here, just leaning against the wall"

"I saw him"

"He was there"

"He was here "

I keep saying same words.

"Calm down honey and tell me what happened? "

So I tell her everything that had happened. She and Jones went to the patrol officers, who were guarding my door And also the one below the window.

After two hours or so, they come back again. I wait for them to tell me that the guards did see that guy but what they said is not what I'm ready to hear. 

Lary comes towards me and sits down,I look at her confused.

She looks at me sympathetically then she and Jones , both share a meaningful look.

"Honey, we are going to advise you something you have to listen to us carefully and don't take it in the wrong way.  You have to listen to us till the end before making any conclusion. Okay ? " Jones says

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