chapter 29

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Hey you!!

How are you all?

Don't hate me for late update. I was stuck with some assignments and works. Exams are coming and I haven't learned anything yet!! -sigh-

So back to story, i was confused about the mature scenes.I don't know how many of you are underage readers so I didn't go in details,I WAS TEMPTED 😹 but I stopped myself but if you want to then I can write it tho hehe

So keep voting , enjoying ,commenting and making my day awesome people!!

I love you all!! Thankyou for the support!!!

Do tell me about the chapter tho!!

-throw hearts everywhere-

VOTE!!!!!!! Please!!!

take care!! Xxxxx


~Xander POV :

I trail my fingers up and down her bare back,making her shudder. I lean towards her and kiss her shoulders then spine.

Her hands fist the bedsheet as I smile against her skin. I hover over her as she is laid down on her stomach. I support my weight on my one arm while with other I move it from her shoulders to her lower back before smacking her butt,lightly.

She gasps and was about to turn when I rest my body on her . I move her hair on one side.

I kiss her shoulder and suck on it making her moan. I groan and rub myself on her back.

"Xander.... " She moans my name. I love it so much when she moans my name. I start moving and rubbing myself on her and keep sucking on her shoulder.

I don't have to think about hurting her,accidentally because I know I will never hurt her. When you are vampire and is on intimate position with someone,you are bound to lose control and sink your teeth into your partner's neck if you are not careful enough.

But I am. I won't hurt her and never going to drink from her. Unless. Unless she asks herself. But that doesn't mean I am going to tell her about this. I can't risk it when it comes to her .

"Xander please.... " her moans bring me back to her.

I turn her around before attacking her skin with my kisses. I kiss and suck Every part of her body making her moan and writhe underneath me. I leave hickies on her collarbone and neck.

"Tell me who you belong to." I whisper,huskily in her ear.

"You... I am yours. " she bits her lips while looking at me with those mesmerizing eyes. I look at her lips which are red and swollen from our kisses.

"Yes, you are mine.  Only mine. These bloody lips are mine. " I grunt out before attacking her lips. Her hands move to my hairs and pulls them making me groan.

She jumps up when suddenly my phone starts ringing. I grunt out in frustration before leaning my head on hers,looking down at her. She giggles at me which bring a smile on my lips.

She pecks my lips and asks me to attend the call. I roll off her and pick my phone which was lying besides the breakfast tray.

I was tempted to switch it off and continue what I was doing. But when I see my assistant is calling,I mumble "cockblocker" before picking it up.

I lay down on my back as she snuggles on my chest and kisses my skin. I stroke her hairs while talking on the phone.

"What?" I snap. Alexandra looks up at me with frown face and slaps my chest.

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