Chapter 21

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Alexandra pov :

I rub my sweaty hands on my jeans clad thighs as my apartment comes into the view as we turn the corner of the road.

Xander parks at car, I was about to open the door when he stops me, moves out and jogs towards my side to open the door.

I raise an eyebrow at him at which he winks at me. I shake my head at him. I turn around and my breath hitches in my throat.

A police car is standing there with Jones leaning on it and looking around. Xander comes infront of me and says ,

"Just remember what we had discussed. Let me do the talking unless and until they ask you,personally. And say what we have practiced ,alright?" 

I nod and hang my head down.He puts his finger under my chin and lifts my head up and looks at me in question.I sigh.

"I don't like lying to them. They were always there when i needed them, they made me feel safe and they were helping me,protecting me . Now i am feeling horrible that i am about to lie to them. " I look away. 

"Okay." he shrugs. What does okay mean??

"If you want to turn me in for my horrible doings then okay don't lie to them." he says while looking down and then look at me from below the eyelashes. 


He looks at me with wide eyes in disbelief.Did i say that loudly? 

"You wouldn't do that to me!" He exclaims but his eyes are full of humour.

"Who knows." i say, jockingly.

"Aha." He holds my hand in his and lead me towards the building. With every step we take, my heartbeat quickens. He squeezes my hand. 

I look down between our hands. Molded in each other. His hand engulfs mine as it is made for his,giving me peace and comfort which i had been craving for all these years. I miss this. I look at him to find him looking at me with smiling eyes. This is my Xander.

"Alex!! " our heads snap towards Jones' voice. He runs towards me, i look over his shoulder to find more officers running towards us.

"Alex is here. Hurry up." Jones' says in his phone before cutting it. He puts his gun at Xander and at that moment, i swear my heart stops his beating.

"NO!!" I yell while coming between them. Jones looks at me then Xander before lowering his gun, his men following suit.

"Where have you been ? Who is he? " Jones bombards me with questions.

"He-" i was cut off by Xander who lifts his hand forwards for a handshake.

"I am Xander." Jones' eyes bulge out of its sockets at the name.

Yeah he is the Xander,my lost love-note the sarcasm.

"What is going on,Alex?" The question is directed at me but his eyes are glued on Xander.

"Why don't we talk inside her home,if you don't mind?" Xander asks casually while throwing his arm around my shoulder. Jones' eyes look at the arm then at my cheeks that will probably be red . He nods while throwing orders at his men.

We arrived at my home, i was about to shut my door when a hand stops it. Lary's face comes into my view and i throw my arms around her.She returns my hug while stroking my hair. 

Maybe she is just my case's officer but she has a place in my heart which nobody can replace. She comforted me when i need it.

"Alex? ThankGod you are safe and here.. Where were you?? Are you hurt? Did something happen? I am so sorry ,i should had believe you,Did that stalker hurt you?Tellme?"

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