Chapter 20

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A/N :

Hello Snowflakes..!!

Im so sorry for late updating. I am having serious problems with my cell phone and i am not used to of keyboard and i am forced to travel yup 'forced' and alone :( I am not fond of heights and flights -shudders- but hey i am ALIVE ... XD

Happy reading xxxx 💃💃

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Xander POV :

"Why did you have to leave before ? " She asks in a small voice, looking down at the food while playing with the food.

"Because my parents had died and I had to take over their business. " I tell him, clenching my fists tight.

"Then why didn't you tell me?!"  Her head snaps towards me with shock.

"I would've come with you. I would've support you. Why didn't you tell me anything, Xander?" She continues with a soft voice.

Because I can't.

"Can we just drop this for now,please? " I sigh and run a hand towards my hairs in frustration hoping she drops it-

"No. " She says, blankly. She has changed alot.

"I want to know what you left me in the first place?"

"I will tell you, alright? I will tell you everything but now please just drop it for now. " I reply, trying hard not to let the anger control me for her sake.

"For now? You promise you will tell me later? " She asks me with doubt in her eyes.

I nod my head, in return to which she nods back and continues with her food.

I look at my angel. Black hairs falling down over her face, innocent green eyes with pouty lips. I want to kiss those lips, continuously.

Beautiful. That's the only word that comes into my mind by looking at her.

After coming back from the backyard few days back with holding hands  when i saw the shocked faces of Jennifer and Laila, it still amuses me.

"Why aren't you eating? " Her angelic voice drags me out of my thoughts.

"I am not hungry."

"Why? I hardly see you eating anything. "

I look at her with a raised eyebrow.
"Someone is concerned about me."

She blushes while murmuring,

The need to kiss her, increased.

"Are you done?" I ask when she pushes her plate away.


I stand up and offer her my hand which she takes immediately.

Warm fills my whole body when her hand touches my skin making me smile. I wrap my fingers around her small hand stroking her side of hand with my thumb. I miss this.

From the corner of my eyes,i see her looking at her joined hands. I know she misses this also.

"Where are we going?" She asks, softly.

I shrug my shoulder while dragging her towards the stairs.
"Where do you want to go? "

"Can I go home? " She mumbles in a slow voice. If it hasn't for my hearing senses,i wouldn't even hear it.

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