Chapter 18

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This is a bad idea...

I agree very bad idea..

Why it is?

I think it is very good idea.

I contemplate with myself outside Xander's room,thinking whether it is good idea to knock and go inside to talk about our problems or it is bad idea because Xander is Xander ,i can't expect anything from him now.

Decisions.. Decisions.  I sigh.

I lift my hand up to knock on the door,my hand stops in the air. What if this is just a waste of time? After thinking, some more I decided to just give up and come back later.

I turn around,ready to run away from his room as fast as possible before he comes out when the door room opens and I pause. My shoulders slump down. How lucky I am.

Xander clears his throat.

I turn around and look up at him. One eyebrow raised, he looks at me with a small smile. He leans on his door frame, arms crossed over his shirt. DAMN THAT MUSCLES.!! Don't blame me if I am drooling.

He chuckles and I look up again,immediately. Busted. I narrow my eyes in annoyance.

"What?" I snap at him. His both eyebrows move upward. I roll my eyes.

"What what? You are standing outside my room for about-" he breaks off while looking at his hand watch then continue his sentence,

"For about 10 minutes and you are asking me 'what' ?" He says with amusement in his voice. I open my mouth to reply with something when he moves aside and goes back inside his room , throwing 'come inside' over  his shoulder.

I furrow my eyebrows. I have two options now. First, leave him and go back. Second,go inside and do, why I am here for in the first place. Okay,i am not a coward. I will talk to him. But-

"Come inside, I won't bite you..yet" I hear his voice calls out to me and I can swear he is smiling right now. I roll my eyes before making my decision.

Fuck it. I'm going in..

I move inside,it feels like temperature drops here,i rub my arms and look around. His room is manly. Grey walls,one wall has a big TV screen.Black bed sheet and pillows with modern furniture bedside tables and a dresser. He even have black curtains that lead to terrace area. There are two doors also,one should lead to closet and other to bathroom,i guess. My eyes fall on him.

Sitting on the black couch on the far corner with a coffee table in front of it. His face is blank but his eyes are telling me other story. He moves his finger ,motioning me to come closer.

My legs move on his own accord but I stop myself going any closer to him and stop beside the bed,facing him.

"Sit down." His deep voice,echo throughout the room. I sit on the edge of the bed. So soft. Like a cloud,his bed.

He rests his head back on the couch,facing the ceiling,eyes closed. We both sit in the silence and it hits me like a deja vu when we were together in the college. We used to sit in comfortable silence, we didn't need useless talks. We enjoyed each other presence in silence. Is he thinking the same thing as I am? A lump forms in my throat with emotions. It feels hard to swallow. I clears my throat before breaking the silence.

"We need to talk."

He doesn't reply,instantly. Instead,he sits without moving before taking a deep breath and sighing. His eyes meet mine. Different emotions are swirling in those beautiful eyes that I love so much.

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