Big brother

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**** Hi minna! It's kikumaru! I'm trying something new so bare with me! Hope you like it, comment if you do. Thanks again! Oh ya! I don't own anything except the story/plot and my Oc Lily. Thank you.****

<In Pastoria City>

Purple haired Boy: *Walks up to a young girl sitting on a bench* Did you wait long?

Purple haired child: *Smiles* Nope! Only A few minutes

Purple haired boy: *Sighs* Sorry for the wait then. How was the ride over?

Purple haired child: *Smiles brightly* It was fun! The nice old lady I was sitting with let me see her Pokémon and play with him!

Purple haired boy: *Raise eyebrow* Oh? What Pokémon was this?

The child: It was an Arcanine! He was so fluffy! And Big! You should have seen him!

Purple haired boy: *Smiles slightly* I bet he was, did you thank the lady?

The child: *Nods* Mhm! And she gave me a present for being so nice! Guess what guess what?!

Purple haired boy: What?

The child: *pouts* I said guess!!!

Purple haired boy: *chuckles* sorry, was it candy?

The child: *shakes head* uh-uh

Purple haired boy: It wasn't?

The child: Nope!

Purple haired boy: Well I'm out of ideas you'll just have to tell me.

The child: *nods* Okay! Since you can't guess, She gave me a Pokémon egg!!!

Purple haired boy: *Eyes widen* really?

The child: *nods excitedly* yep yep she did's and I thanked her!

Purple haired boy: *Smiles slightly* Well I hope you did. Good job, did she tell you what it would hatch into?

The child: *shakes head with a a pout* No! She said it was a surprise!

Purple haired boy: Well you'll just have to wait then won't you?

The child: *Pouts and whines* but waiting is so boring!!!

Purple haired boy: *Shakes head in amusement* Well you'll just have to deal with it till then. Alight I also have a present for you. Train him well alright?

The child: *Tilts head to the side in confusion* Huh?

Purple haired boy: *Holds out pokeball* here.

Purple child: *Takes and opens pokeball* Wow! It's an Elekid!

Elekid: Bi? [Who?]

Purple haired boy: ya you said you always wanted one. So there.

Purplette: *Jumps up and hugs the boy* thanks Paul!

Paul: *blush and slowly returns hug* i-it was n-nothing Lily.

Elekid: Bibibi! [Guess that's me! Hi I'm elekid!]

Lily: *Jumps off Paul and beams a smile* Hi Elekid! I'm lily! I'm your new trainer.

Paul watched the two with a ghost of a smile. He was happy that they were getting along.

Lily: Ne ne Big bro! Can I travel with you?

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