Team Rocket Trainee?!

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Kookie: Riri ri rri ri [They seem to be ready to hatch soon!]

Lily:*smiled* mhm! I'm so excited, I can't wait to meet our new friend.

Kookie:*nods with a smile* Ri ri! [me too!]


After having healed their Pokémon and getting a proper pokéEgg carrier for Jack they began their trek through Route 215 where they walked along the dirt path easily avoiding running into trouble for now.

Lily: So we head north and then walk across the bridge to get across to Veilstone City?

Jack:*nods holding the map* Y-Yeah, it should be fairly simple...

V: Eevee vee [Thats good to know]

Lily nodded at V's words as they continued in a comfortable silence just happy enough to be all healed up and on the road again. Jack had been somewhat nervous to walk about with his egg but seemed to really care for the Pokémon that was waiting to be born. Lily patted him on the shoulder once he voiced his concerns and told him it was going to be okay and that he should stop worrying or the Pokémon inside the egg would feel his worry and also be worried. He flushed at that and proceeded to try to calm himself down, his cute little crush on the purple haired girl seemed to grow every minute he was in contact with the kind and friendly girl. V noticed his behavior and silently grinned to himself for picking up on the kids odd reactions to his trainers kindness.

V: veee ee ve, ve ve eevee. Ee vee evee... [At this rate, he'll fall for her. Somehow I still don't trust him though...]

Kookie popped out of his Pokéball to walk along beside his trainer, for some reason he had an odd feeling about today. As if something unexpected would happen and he wanted to be there for his trainer as she has been for him when hunter Jay had attacked them awhile back. They trekked on up north and made their way across the bridge, making small talk every once and a while though for the last five or so minutes both lily and Riolu had felt a pin prick like sensation in the backs of their perception, as if they felt like someone was watching them from a far.

Kookie: *nudges his trainer* Ri ri rio? Ri riri... [Do you feel that too? It feels like someone's stalking us...]

Lily:*frowns but nods and mumbles* Yes, I just don't know who it is or why yet

Kookie: ririru ririru rio? [should we inform the others about them?]

Lily:*hums in thought before answering* I think we should, because although they seem nice enough we don't want to be surprised if their not.

Lily turned to look at Jack who was looking back into the woods with an odd expression on his face, as if pained by something. Or he didn't know what to do about a certain situation, either way they both weren't very nice situations to be in and so the young purple haired girl wondered what was wrong with her new friend.

Lily: *tilts head* Jack?

Jack:*blinks out of it* Huh? O-Oh lily s-sorry what's up?

Lily:*frowns* you've been out of it since a little while ago, is there something bothering you?

Jack*Shakes head furiously* n-no no everything's fine I-I just thought I saw something is a-all

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