Stranger Danger!

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Last Time:
Lily grabbed Paul's hand and then walked off with him towards the gym in Pastoria City. Hopeful to see her brother battle again.

<Pastoria City, Next Day>

Lily and her brother both had decided to stay at the Pokémon center that night instead of going late at midnight to try and challenge the gym. Something that Paul was both grateful for and regretting. Seeing lily so upbeat in the morning tired him out and made him 'slightly' grouchy.

Lily: Do you know what Pokémon your using big bro?!

Elekid: Bi! Bibibi? [hey! I was wondering about that?]

Paul: *Sighs* its a surprise.

Lily: *Pouts* but surprises mean waiting and waitings boring!

Paul: *Growls lightly* well to bad! You have to wait!

Lily: *Smiles* fine! I can wait!

Then she pouts.

Lily: *pouts* but I can't wait for your battle!

Paul: *Exhales slowly in exasperation*

Lily : *Giggles* hehehe big brother your face is red!

Paul: * Yells with a stern expression* lily!

Lily: Eep! Run!

Paul: *Yells* hey come back here you two!

Elekid: Bi?! Bibibi! [What?! No way!]

Lily: Come on elekid or Big bro will get us!

Elekid: Bi! [Right!]

Lily and elekid ran beside each other not looking where they were going until they ran into someone.

Stranger: Ouch!

Lily: Owwie!

Stranger: *points* hey that hurt! I'll have to fine you!

Lily: *Frowns with tears in her eyes* b-b-but I didn't mean too!

Elekid: Bi? Bibivi! Bibibi! Bi! [Fine? Oh you got another thing coming buddy! Making lily cry!]

Lily: *Tears start to flow* hic hic your a meanie! Hic I didn't Hic! Mean to hurt you! Hic Hic!

Stranger: *Eyes become wide* Uh-oh, no no no I'm sorry! I won't fine you. I'm really sorry okay? Come on stop crying it's okay see? Your okay. I'm okay it's all okay right? Right?

Lily: *still crying* Hic Hic! Wah!

Elekid: Bi! Bibivi! [You idiot! I'll fry you!]

Then her pokeball opens up and starly flies out.

Starly: Star? Starly! Star star? Starly? [lily? Oh no Lily! what's wrong where's Paul? I'll get him if you want?]

It would seem that both of her Pokémon had become her protectors in a small amount of time.

Lily: *hugs Starly and Elekid* Hic! I'm okay. Thanks though Starly and elekid!

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