First Gym Battle Pt. 1

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Lily:*shrugs to herself* okay!

I wonder what her brothers would think of this development, as the first gym battle is on the horizon now. I wonder what will happen?


After eating their breakfast and making last minute preparations the two young trainers and gym leader made the trek to her gym with record time as Lily ran with Elekid while dragging Jack along with her. They made their way to the gym with a spring in their steps.

Lily:*smiles* this is going to be a lot of fun!

Jack hurried along beside her with a hesitant grin on his face, still nervous and not all that sure of himself, but he found that he was also excited to try his hand at gym battles. His plan mostly revolves around using Chatot, Buizel, and flygon as a last resort because Bonsly and Larvitar would not be a good mix against a fighting-type gym. His team wasn't very well-rounded but he loved each and everyone, even if he's a little apprehensive about fighting he knows that his Pokémon will pull through.

Maylene: Hey guys! Welcome!

Lily grinned cheekily as she waved at the older pink haired girl, excited to start her journey as a gym challenger.

Lily: Maylene! Hi! Are you ready to battle? My Pokémon and I are super ready to go!

Lily practically beamed with light as she hopped over to the older pastel haired girl.

Maylene: I think so, at least, I'll give it my best shot so you should too!

Lily: *grin* awesome! That's what I like to hear! Let's go! let's go!

Lily cheered as the three walked into the dojo towards the Pokémon battle field, as the ref counted off the rules Lily thought about her options. It was a three v. three Pokémon battle with her chosen three being Chimchar, Staravia, and Kookie.

Lily: *throws Pokéball* Alright Staravia stand by for battle!

Maylene: *throws Pokéball* Come on out Meditite!

Ref: *waves flag* The battle of Pokémon Trainer Lily versus Gym leader Maylene will now commence!

Lily: Staravia use Aerial Ace on meditite!

Staravia: Star! {Got it!}

Staravia bolted forward in a show of speed immediately making contact with the fighting type to deliver a powerful blow to the meditate Pokémon.

Lily:*Punches small fist* Back to back aerial ace Staravia!

Maylene: *panics* M-Meditite! Oh no! Use Drain punch quick!

Lily: Twirl and dodge it Staravia!

The bird Pokémon tried to follow her command but managed to get skimmed by the attack and ultimately was affected by the attack as he flinched with a cry. Meditite looked a little worse for ware but using drain punch had seemed to help some.

Maylene: Use meditate!

The meditate Pokémon did just that as Lily furrowed her eyebrows wondering what the older girl was gearing up for, better to finish this fast then.

Lily: Use quick attack simultaneously with aerial ace once more!

Quick attack merged with the already fast move making Staravia a blur of dark grey as he blitzed in front of the Pokémon and dealt and especially effective flying type move.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28 ⏰

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