A Promise

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The team decided to talk with the supposed weirdos for a little while longer, deciding to eat dinner there as well and talk about random things that Ash brought up to create conversation. Dawn, Brock, and Barry helping to pitch in to keep the conversation going as he grinned in triumph when Paul would answer in more than one word answers or syllables. The Pokémon soaked up the happy atmosphere as the humans all laughed and talked animatedly, Lily tuning in and saying whatever came to mind as she ate her beloved sweets. Before they new it, all the Pokémon except for Elekid, Electabuzz, Pikachu, Empoleon, and Piplup we're out. Paul holding a sleeping lily in a caring hold as he excused himself to go back to the Pokémon center. A fun but exhausting evening indeed.


It was early morning in the small one person room of the Pokémon center. The room included a queen size bed, a desk with a comfy rolling chair, a small bathroom, a wardrobe, and a small island and basic kitchen. Sleeping quietly was little lily along with Elekid, Teddiursa, Staravia, and Kookie mixed up in the sheets. Murkrow sat on the coat rack watching his trainer's little sister by the door. Paul was out getting breakfast, and then they would get to training afterwards.

Murkrow:*stretches quietly* murrr murkrow krow... [Mmmmhmmm its a nice morning for training...]

Murkrow was quiet as he watched over his trainers younger sister, she was cute and caring so he didn't mind. He just wondered what his trainer would do during training this time. He didn't really care as long as he got stronger. Then he flicked his head toward the room door as it quietly opened to reveal Paul who came in to set down a bag of treats for breakfast and then write a note. He motioned for Murkrow to follow him out quietly as he sent Ninjask to watch his cute little sister instead.

Paul:*looks back at lily before leaving to the pokécenter training ground* sleep well lily pad...

Once he arrived at the training grounds behind the Pokémon center, Paul released his Pokémon so that he could instruct them on how he was training them that morning. Like usual this meant that Chimchar was taking the brunt of the attacks...

Paul:*glares and shouts* Come on Chimchar! You can do better than that!

Paul didn't care that chimchar was having a hard time dodging Electabuzz's thunder attacks. Chimchar's body had scratches as he tried to fight back.

Chimchar:*dodges* chimchar! [I'm trying!]

Paul:*grunts* Come on chimchar! Get angry! show me your power! Where's your determination to get any better! Torterra use Leaf Storm!

Torterra:*grimances at the idea of using the attack on the smaller pokemon* torr terra... [Sorry kid...]

Chimchar:*panics* chim! [oh no!]

Suddenly before the glowing leaves could hit the stunned fire type a Hyper voice attack hit the leaves causing them to fall to the ground and make the attack null.

Teddiursa:*frowns* Teddiursa Tedi... [Lily's big Bro...]

Paul:*whips head around with a glare but stopped in shock when he see's little lily in tears* lily...

Lily:*sniffs* Big bro! Why are you hurting chimchar? He's strong enough! So stop!

Paul:*looks down in shame* sorry lily...

Lily:*frowns* promise me you won't do that anymore? Don't hurt Chimchar, he's a good and strong Pokémon he doesn't deserve that...

Paul:*frowns with reluctance but nods along with his sister just so she would stop crying, he hated when she cried* I-I promise I won't anymore lily.

Lily: *nods satisfied for now* let's stop training for now and eat breakfast together then

Paul:*nods* sure lily

Paul and Lily brought the pokemon back to the Pokécenter to get checked up on by Nurse Joy, Paul went to the cafeteria and grabbed breakfast for the everyone figuring that lily would rather eat down here then the scones and donuts back in the room. He felt slightly guilty for having hurt his little sisters feelings, but he also didn't want to give up pushing Chimchar to his limits. He wanted to see the fiery inferno that the little chimchar could create, he was mesmerized by the flames. So he would have to be careful from now on with training around lily.

Paul: *points his fork at Lily's plate* dig in lil

Lily:*nods* mhm...

Lily was a little quiet as he silently looked at his sister who rubbed her nose of small bits of snot while Elekid rubbed at her eyes to get the tears to dry up. He felt a little bitter and somewhat like he was going to betray his little Lily's trust in him. But, some promises had to be broken to achieve their goals, right?

To be Continued...

• Elekid: Thundershock, Swift, Lowkick, Protect, and Brickbreak

***Egg Move*** Ice Punch and Fire Punch

• Staravia: Quick Attack, Wing Attack, Arial Ace, Steel Wing

***Egg Move*** Double Edge

Kookie: Quick Attack, Force Palm, Vacuum Wave, Poison Jab, Dig

***Egg Move*** Blaze Kick and Detect

•Teddiursa: Scratch, Lick, Hidden Power, Hyper Voice, Fake Tears

***Egg Move*** Close Combat and Metal Claw

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