Meeting Maylene

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Paul was frustrated at the pace they were going because he knew that they were going to slow if they had wanted to catch up to lily and the boy on time before they got loose into Veilstone city. Time would tell what would happen when they all came to the city of meteors.

Lily laughed as they ran along the bridge, it was just a matter of time before they got within range of her home city. V and Kookie had decided to go back in their pokéballs to rest so Elekid came out to walk alongside his trainer as they walked over the bridge. After getting over the bridge they had to walk along the path that would lead down into Veilstone city. They saw the buildings of the city just a small jog off in the distance, Lily was happy to be back even if the reason she was back wasn't as pleasant. She could also ask her eldest brother Reggie for help with training and taking care of her Pokémon. He was the best Pokémon breeder around! Surely he wouldn't mind seeing all of the different Pokémon she had befriended so far.

Jack: W-we're finally almost there!

Lily:*nods* Mhm! Almost!

Elekid: bi! bi bivi bi! {Finally! I want to see Reggie again!}

Lily:*giggled* me too elekid!

Jack wasn't an athletic child and was beginning to get out of breath, as lily noticed him sucking wind a few times when she looked back at him. Elekid huffed at him with his arms crossed as he trotted on with lily, not really amused by the boys weak composition. But—since jack helped lily, and lily thought he was okay, Elekid would put up with him. For now at least.

Jack:*sounds tired* I'm g-glad we're here

Lily:*smiles at him* me too!

Elekid:*crosses his arms with a satisfied look* bi bi vi Bibibi! bivi! {I cant wait to eat Reggies food! It always tastes great!}

Lily:*giggles with a nod* me to Elekid

Jack:*tilts his head confused* what is he saying?

Lily:*looks over at him* He's excited to eat big bro Reggie's food, it's really good!

Jack:*hums with a nod* O-oh, w-what does he usually make?

Lily:*gets starry eyed* Everything! He makes crépes, pesto Pasta, sushi, rice balls, sandwiches, enchiladas, stir fry, pancakes, waffles, berry breads, chili, muffins, cookies, cakes, and pies, he can also make Grilled fish, and pizza!

Lily excitedly lists off all of the different delicacies that her dearest elder brother could make causing the other to sweatdrop at her but also long for the food as well. Jack was especially excited to hear if her brother could make them pizza with pepperoni and black olives or a simple white pizza would be nice with sliced tomato and black olives. Both of the children seemed to love black olives on pizza which got them caught up in a conversation about their love of food.

Lily:*nods with seriousness* Mhm! Black olives on pizza makes it nice and salty it's the best on pizza!

Jack:*equally as serious* Y-Yes, pizza definitely has to have black olives!

Elekid just shook his head at the two before perking up alert when he felt someone's gaze fall to them. And without warning two beings sprung out of the bushes nearby. One was an older pink haired girl with a bandage across the bridge of her nose, she was seemingly fighting with the blue and black fighting-type Pokémon that had appeared with her. Their sudden appearance startled the two kids as they flinched back as Elekid jumped in front of them ready to defend them if necessary.

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