Doctor's at Daycare

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Ash*sweatdrops* Well... Look on the bright side. She's not alone and has a friend to help her out.

Ash had meant his words to be nice and peaceful, he was hoping to quell the raging purple haired man. He seemed to only add fuel to the fire rather than pacify the older brother and his sister-con tendencies.

Paul: Lily won't go out with him! I won't allow it! He's a runt!


Lily: So where are we heading Jack? I was hoping to go to Veilstone to see my older Brother

Jack blinked as he looked towards his new traveling companion, she had been relatively quiet when they had gotten far enough away from the tower but he just thought that she was collecting her thoughts. He didn't really think about where he was going or what he was planning to do, I mean, he was a team rocket trainee for literally a few days and then he snuck off to go save Lily. Not that he minded but if he thought about it, he did want to get to know her more before she went to Veilstone.

Jack:*scratches back of head* W-Well, I think we should stop in Solaceon Town to get your Pokémon looked at. I-I know there i-isn't a Pokémon center there but there is a P-Pokémon daycare which could help.

Lily hummed to herself before she nodded at his logic and smiled up at the taller boy who had begun to fidget under her intense amethyst stare.

Lily:*smiles* okay! That sounds like a plan

Jack gave her a smile and a nod before they looked forward and began walking again. They had unknowingly stopped when they had started to talk but now at least the air between them was peaceful. V looked at the two and grinned to himself, he had a feeling that he would come to like seeing his trainer with this shy kid. But, if Jack ever did hurt her V would be sure to shadow ball his but into next week. V looked up from his place in Lily's arms to see that they were just coming up to Solaceon Town now!

V:*smiles brightly* Veee! Eee veee! [Look Lily! We made it!]

Lily looked from V up to the slowly appearing town and grinned happily. Jack smiled seeing her happy was starting to become something he always wanted her to be. Even if he was to shy to say anything to her most of the time. Lily turned and grabbed his hand making him jolt forward as she began to run towards the town with a smile on her face.

Jack:*flustered* W-Woah! Lily!

Lily:*smiles back at him* Come on you slowpoke I want to see the town!

Jack:*nods shyly* O-Okay!

The two ran towards the town with smiles as they got closer to the town. First they would go to the daycare to see if they could help her Pokémon and then they would check out the place.

Jack:*points* T-There! That's the d-daycare

Lily:*turned to see the building* Let's go!

They ran all the way over to the building and only stopped so that they could open the door to go inside. There they were greeted by an old woman sitting at the check in/out desk, they quietly walked over to her.

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