Hearthome Tag Battle Pt. 3

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Brock quietly watches as the pair leaves up to their room. He knew that Paul, for all his rough interior was still a caring older brother. It just took a little time and care to cultivate.


It was the next morning, and lily was sitting in the stands again. This time she was sitting with Elekid and V, eating a bag of Teddiursa claw cookies that Paul had gotten for her from the café after all of the unneeded stress of last night. The competition was well in swing, the first one to win being Dawn and Conway using Pachirisu and Aggron against their opponents Tauros and Granbull. Next was Brock and Holly who easily won there match as well with Croagunk and Nosepass easily defeating their opponents Furret and Hitmonchan. Now it was the last battle of the second day, Paul and Ash versus their own opponents. Ash chose to use his Turtwig while Paul surprisingly decided to use chimchar who was supposed to be at the Pokémon center still recovering his strength!

Lily:*gasps* oh no! What is big bro thinking?! Chimchar needs to be resting not battling!

V:*frowns* vee vee Eevee... [This could end seriously bad...]

Elekid:*crosses his arms* bibbib. Bivii bivi. [Chimchar should be in the hospital resting. Paul isn't thinking straight.]

Lily:*frowns* He said he wouldn't use chimchar today though...

Elekid:*glances at his trainer with worry but sighs* bibi bivi bi bi [well he apparently lied lily]

Lily didn't know what was going through her older brothers head, he couldn't be seriously thinking of putting chimchar through all that right? she didn't know anymore and that worried the young girl as she watched the little chimp stand on the battle field with so many scuffs, scrapes, and bruises. She really hated seeing Pokémon being hurt for no good reasons. And unfortunately her brother was the cause of hurting an innocent Pokémon for a no good reason.

Ash:*yells* chimchar! You need to rest!

Chimchar:*turned to ash and shook his head* chim! [I can still do this!]

Paul:*sighs but nods his head in approval*

Lily has been pissed that morning and had insisted that he be nicer to Paul, and even made him promise to try to be kinder to his Pokémon. This was what chimchar would get from him and he hoped that was enough for the fire type. God only knows what lily would do then if he wasn't.

Chimchar:*smiles slightly at the hint of approval*

Ash:*gets disheartened* well, if your Sure...

Chimchar nodded his head to indicate that he was sure, besides the little fire type was just pleased that his trainer was acknowledging him with something other than a sneer of disappointment. The other team also brought out their chosen Pokémon for the match. A Metagross and a Zangoose, this was a bad match up. A bad match up indeed.

Lily:*frowns* This is seriously bad... Chimchar wont be able to calm down with Zangoose on the field...

Elekid:*nods* bibi bivi bi [It will be tough facing an Pokémon that you've had a bad experience with]

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