Twenty Four

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"Cael what are you doing here?" I asked in a not so welcoming tone. Napababa siya sa newspaper na hawak niya at nagtaas ng tingin sa akin.

He just sat inside my office,quiet. Deadly quiet. "I came here for business." He answered nonchalantly. I gaped at him for a moment. Business? Business for what? "I want you to fix me with someone. This is your forte naman diba? Making and breaking hearts." I swear to God that's just about the most sarcastic tone I ever heard out of his mouth.

I was taken aback with his attitude. He never talked to me like this before. He was always, gentle, caring, I have never seen him mad. He's always been complacent about whatever things are thrown at him.

"O-okay. But you may need to schedule an appointment with me just like how everyone does it. Y-you're...You're my f-friend but I don't like giving special treatments."

He stared at me with a hurtful look on his face. "Yeah. I was just a friend. But I wasn't not until I saw him coming inside your house and spending the night there. I was just a friend but I wasn't when I was convenient for you. Am I right now Doctor Buendia?"

I furrowed my brows before the other one raised and shot him an equally annoyed expression. "Wow! Very mature of you thank you very much Engineer Loyzaga. But wait a minute, do you remember why we ended up like this? Let me refresh the memory for you. Ah that's right! You fucked a whore in our condo unit, the one we bought together. You fucked someone who's name is Candy, which is a typical hooker name. What else? Oh right, you didn't even do anything when I called the marriage off! You just stared at me, nodded your head and left. And now you came here, pretending to ask for my help but actually you just really need to let your frustrations drown you right here, right infront of me."

I wiped my mouth as I burn with so much fury I was actually fuming with it. That's about it. I told him things, let him hear things I never said out loud before.

"God knows I wanted to marry you.-"

"Save that crap for yourself Cael! I am perfectly happy with Chance and with you out of the picture. Now stay the fuck away from me! The wounds you left me are about to disappear and I won't let you scar me ever again." I said with finality.

Now the anger in his eyes was replaced by something heartbreaking. It was shaking, he closes it once in awhile, until..until his tears finally streamed down his face.

"Do you really mean that?" He asked, pain was evidently there. I nodded my head. Muli niyang sinara ang mata niya, before he stood up and left my office.

I lazily dragged myself and threw my racks on the sofa where he sat moments ago. Umaga pa lang nauubos na ang energy ko. Pinaliwanag ko na sa kanya yun dati pa. Does he think I would change my mind by coming here aggressively? He's out of his stupid mind!

The day was long and dragging. Hindi nga ako nagawang itext ni Chance. Not that I oblige him of texting me once in a while.Maybe he was too busy for today. Pero kahit ganoon tinext ko pa rin siya. I was hoping for a reply pero wala akong natanggap.

My BB lit and I saw a familiar name on my screen.

From: Q

Q's back in town.

She even sent it with random emojis. Napangiti ako! Finally, ang prinsesa ng Italya naisipang bumalik ng Pinas.

To: Q

Stonehearts 2: AmethystTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon