Twenty Six

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Agad naglaho si daddy sa paningin ko ng nakarating kami sa E.R. Good thing Doc Santi was on duty when we arrived. Hindi na ako kailangang tanungin para sa history ng sakit ni dy.

"Amy, maupo ka muna. You're about to fall on your feet." Suway sa akin ni Cael. I shook my head, no I won't sit unless I know daddy's stable. Naramdaman kong umakbay siya sa akin, hindi na ako nagprotesta. All I need know is a shoulder to lean on.

I was nibbling my thumb as he gently rubs my shoulders. "He's gonna be fine Amy." He said in his usual soothing voice. "I'll just go grab something to eat. Hindi ka pa naghahapunan. I'll be back." Paalam niya. He let me sit on the chairs infront of the room where daddy was.

I was trembling as I wait for Doc Santi to come out. Ingay lang ng mga tao sa loob ng ER ang naririnig ko. It was scary. And the thought that I am here again with dy inside is much more terrifying. Hindi pa ako handang mawalan ng magulang.

Then my phone rang, hindi ko na tinignan kung sino ba yun. I was too sunk with what's happening right now.

"Mahal? I'm sorry hindi kita natawagan kanina. I was in a very important meeting kasi." Agad na sabi niya. "Cynthia's dad agreed with the partnership for the Hotel I am planning to put up." He was even enthusiastic about it.

I clamped my mouth with my hand. I know wala ako dapat ikaselos because I know pretty well that Cynthia is a lesbian. Pero hindi ko maiwasang malungkot na nakalimutan niya akong tawagan dahil kasama niya ang tatay ni Cynthia. Ano naman ang ilalaban ko doon? This is the reason why he dated Cynthia on the first place. He wanted a partnership with her dad.

"Ah ganun ba? K-kumain ka na?" I whispered, barely controlling my sobs.

"Mahal bakit parang ang ingay diyan? Nasaan ka?" He asked, completely ignoring my question. And that's all it took, naiyak na ako ng husto. Letting him hear it. "Love, nasaan ka? B-bakit ka umiiyak?" I heard him rustling from the other line, a door opening and closing.

"I-inatake si daddy." I whimpered. I heard him cussing before he dropped the line.

Napabitaw ako sa cellphone ko an binaon ang mukha ko sa palad ko. I started to cry my feelings out. This is too much for one day. I felt someone tapping my head, "Amy don't cry. Tito Riq will pull through this. He always does." Cael said giving me a wry smile. But enough to pull my hope and faith intact.

Inabutan niya ako ng kape at donut. "Hindi ko alam kung alin ang gusto mong kainin, so I went for your favourites just to be safe." Aniya. Kinuha ko yun pero hindi ko nagawang inumin o kainin.

"Cael minahal mo ba talaga ako?" I asked out of nowhere. Hindi ko alam kung bakit ko natanong sa kanya yun. Maybe because I was in an emotional state.

He looked at me, confused at first then his face became serious. "Of course I did. I wouldn't ask you to marry me kung hindi kita mahal." He answered.

"Then why did you cheat on me? Bakit mo nagawa yun? Kung mahal mo ako bakit mo nagawa yun?" Sunod-sunod na tanong ko.

He opened his mouth but he closed it after a few seconds. He seemed to have something in mind but didn't want to spill it out. "You asked me kung maniniwala ba ako kapag sinabi mo na walang nangyari sa inyo ni Candy. But the day you came back, sabi mo it was a one night stand. Wala naman atang one night stand na kwentuhan lang ang nagaganap." I continued. Not minding if I sound accusing or not. Naguguluhan na kasi ako.

He said before that he became unsure of things between us kaya nagawa niya iyon. Then why is he here? Why does he keep on asking me to marry him? Why is he here now beside me?

"It may be hard to believe but nothing really did happen between me and Candy. She was a hooker, yes. But she was just there listening to my constant blabbering about me, you and our ending relationship. Sumuka ako kaya we ended up sleeping with only our undies on. Now, I don't really expect you to believe me. But this is the truth. There's no reason why I should hide it from you." He said quietly.

Napalingon ako sa kanya, he was staring into the space as he clutched his iced coffee. His eyes were remorseful. Just like it did from before. I hated him. Yung hindi niya pagtatanggol sa sarili niya. Yung lahat ng binabato ko sa kanya sinasalo niya lang. Like how he turned his back on me when I threw the goddamn engagement ring on him.

"I did that because I know how much you love Tito Riq. How much you love your daddy." Muli niyang sabi.

My mind got dazed with confusion. He cheated on me because I love my daddy? That didn't even make a fucking sense. I was willing enough to nag the truth out of him when I saw a shadow approaching us.

Napalingon ako, it was Chance. His sleeves are rolled up on his muscular forearms. He was breathing rapidly and heavily. Sweats are breaking on his beautiful face.

He has a tensed look when his eyes landed to the person sitting beside me. Saka tinapik ni Cael ang tuhod ko, "Well I need to get going. Andito naman na ang boyfriend mo. Goodnight Amy." Paalam niya bago niya ako hinalikan sa tuktok ng ulo ko.

Nagsukatan pa sila ng tingin ni Chance bago niya nilagpasan ito. And I was praying n asana hindi sila gumawa ng eksena. I have too much on my plate right now. Naunang bumawi ng tingin si Cael saka siya tuluyang umalis.

Chance looked at me briefly. I don't know what I read on his face. Maybe it was pain? Or regret? Or maybe he was just tired? He slowly made his way and sat beside me on the cold, metal chairs.

"Siya ba ang kasama mong nagsugod kay dad?" He asked. His voice barely making it on my ears. Sobrang hina noon. I just nodded my reply. "B-bakit kayo magkasama?"

When I looked at him, he was already staring at me. Wary of my reply. Pero hindi pa ako handa sa away na hatid nito. We can do this on another day. But not right now, "Chance, can we do this building argument for some other time? My dad's in the ER fighting for his life and I can't afford another problem right now." Sagot ko sa kanya.

He sighed saka siya tumayo at umalis. Kararating niya lang umalis na siya. Ilang araw pa lang kami at ganito na kalala ang mga away namin. Maybe I wasn't cut out for him.

Stonehearts 2: AmethystTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon